January 2021 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Jan 1 06:30:59 CET 2021
Ending: Sun Jan 31 16:47:00 CET 2021
Messages: 203
- [QE-users] Time-reversal broken in DFT+U calculation without starting_magnetization
Dominik Gresch (Experis AG)
- [QE-users] Memory requirement for open_grid.x
Zeeshan Ahmad
- [QE-users] Memory requirement for open_grid.x
Zeeshan Ahmad
- [QE-users] Spin polarization in non-colinear SOC band strcuture
Marcelo Albuquerque
- [QE-users] Spin polarization in non-colinear SOC band strcuture
Marcelo Albuquerque
- [QE-users] band gap of bilayer graphene
Roozbeh Anvari
- [QE-users] wrong phonon dispersion at K-point
Roozbeh Anvari
- [QE-users] wrong phonon dispersion at K-point
Roozbeh Anvari
- [QE-users] mechanical stability under pressure from phonons
Uri Argaman
- [QE-users] mechanical stability under pressure from phonons
Uri Argaman
- [QE-users] wrong phonon dispersion at K-point
Vahid Askarpour
- [QE-users] actual QE6.7 version released?
Michael Banck
- [QE-users] actual QE6.7 version released?
Michael Banck
- [QE-users] "Re2: Convergence Issues?"
Stefano Baroni
- [QE-users] "Re2: Convergence Issues?"
Stefano Baroni
- [QE-users] percision of eigenvalues
Stefano Baroni
- [QE-users] crystal definition
Stefano Baroni
- [QE-users] convergence problem for a molecule
Dr. K. C. Bhamu
- [QE-users] convergence problem for a molecule
Dr. K. C. Bhamu
- [QE-users] convergence problem for a molecule
Dr. K. C. Bhamu
- [QE-users] [De/hydrogenation] How can I get thermodynamic and activation parameters at some particular T and P using QE or other QE based codes
Dr. K. C. Bhamu
- [QE-users] [De/hydrogenation] How can I get thermodynamic and activation parameters at some particular T and P using QE or other QE based codes
Dr. K. C. Bhamu
- [QE-users] convergence issue with OH adsorbed beta-Ni(OH)2 10(-1)0 slab
Dr. K. C. Bhamu
- [QE-users] 01 PhD position available in ab-initio non-linear spectroscopy
Sitangshu Bhattacharya
- [QE-users] vc-relax with PBE0 and QE6.7
Bidault, Xavier
- [QE-users] vc-relax with PBE0 and QE6.7
Bidault, Xavier
- [QE-users] vc-relax with PBE0 and QE6.7
Bidault, Xavier
- [QE-users] vc-relax with PBE0 not converging
Bidault, Xavier
- [QE-users] vc-relax with PBE0 not converging
Bidault, Xavier
- [QE-users] Gau-PBE and DFT-D3
Bidault, Xavier
- [QE-users] vc-relax with PBE0 not converging
Bidault, Xavier
- [QE-users] Trouble installing the QE 6.6 with libxc-4.2.3 / libxc-3.0.1
Bidault, Xavier
- [QE-users] [QE-GPU] computing force and stress - time cost
Pietro Bonfa'
- [QE-users] [QE-GPU] computing force and stress - time cost
Pietro Bonfa'
- [QE-users] Unfold.x colormap (6.6)
Pietro Bonfa'
- [QE-users] npool
Pietro Bonfa'
- [QE-users] Out of Memory on large available RAM for QE-GPU version
Pietro Bonfa'
- [QE-users] users Digest, Vol 162, Issue 30
Mayuri Bora
- [QE-users] Problem when compiling qe-6.7
José Carlos Conesa Cegarra
- [QE-users] Problem when compiling qe-6.7
José Carlos Conesa Cegarra
- [QE-users] constrained magnetization with non-colin and spin-orbit
Matteo Cococcioni
- [QE-users] constrained magnetization with non-colin and spin-orbit
Matteo Cococcioni
- [QE-users] constrained magnetization with non-colin and spin-orbit
Matteo Cococcioni
- [QE-users] constrained magnetization with non-colin and spin-orbit
- [QE-users] constrained magnetization with non-colin and spin-orbit
- [QE-users] hp.x error in Cygwin64 Terminal
Pietro Delugas
- [QE-users] Error in seqopn
precious Ekwere
- [QE-users] Error in seqopn
precious Ekwere
- [QE-users] Problem when compiling qe-6.7
Fabrizio Ferrari
- [QE-users] Problem when compiling qe-6.7
Fabrizio Ferrari
- [QE-users] Trouble installing the QE 6.6 with libxc-4.2.3 / libxc-3.0.1
Fabrizio Ferrari
- [QE-users] Trouble installing the QE 6.6 with libxc-4.2.3 / libxc-3.0.1
Fabrizio Ferrari
- [QE-users] Spin polarization in non-colinear SOC band strcuture
Fábio Ferreira
- [QE-users] Spin polarization in non-colinear SOC band strcuture
Fábio Ferreira
- [QE-users] Spin polarization in non-colinear SOC band strcuture
Fábio Ferreira
- [QE-users] Ph.x crashing on multiple nodes
Alexandr Fonari
- [QE-users] Finite electric field polarisation
Terry Frankcombe
- [QE-users] Finite electric field polarisation
Terry Frankcombe
- [QE-users] Large input files and pw.x
Aaron Friesz
- [QE-users] Large input files and pw.x
Aaron Friesz
- [QE-users] FFT order too large
Aaron Friesz
- [QE-users] Query about forc_conv_thr in relax or vc-relax calculation
Mainak Ghosh
- [QE-users] Ph.x crashing on multiple nodes
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] Ph.x crashing on multiple nodes
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] [QE-GPU] computing force and stress - time cost
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] actual QE6.7 version released?
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] Error in routine cft_1z (3) stopped in DFTI_NUMBER_OF_TRANSFORMS
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] Regarding nscf calculation
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] reflection-absorption IR spectra
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] error in QE6.7: too many communicators
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] mechanical stability under pressure from phonons
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] Execution error for qe_gpu
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] Error in seqopn
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] Calculating kinetic energy along particular direction for each electron orbital
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] Error in seqopn
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] vc relax &cell namelist error
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] Large input files and pw.x
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] Calculating kinetic energy along particular direction for each electron orbital
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] Execution error for qe_gpu
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] Running sub-routine v_of_rho
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] FFT order too large
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] Optimizing QE Install
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] vc-relax with PBE0 not converging
Paolo Giannozzi
- [QE-users] Unfold.x colormap (6.6)
William Hewett
- [QE-users] Unfold.x colormap (6.6)
William Hewett
- [QE-users] How to quess computational expenses for small organic molecular crystals (PBE0 functional) ...
Michal Husak
- [QE-users] percision of eigenvalues
Zahra Khatibi
- [QE-users] percision of eigenvalues
Zahra Khatibi
- [QE-users] Inconsistency between DOS and Band structure
Tone Kokalj
- [QE-users] crystal definition
Tone Kokalj
- [QE-users] crystal definition
Tone Kokalj
- [QE-users] QE + Wannier90 + problem with spn file
Arena Konta
- [QE-users] reflection-absorption IR spectra
Michal Krompiec
- [QE-users] reflection-absorption IR spectra
Michal Krompiec
- [QE-users] [De/hydrogenation] How can I get thermodynamic and activation parameters at some particular T and P using QE or other QE based codes
Michal Krompiec
- [QE-users] npool
Ye Luo
- [QE-users] Error in routine davcio (10): error while writing from file "./pwscf.wfc1"
- [QE-users] Calculating kinetic energy along particular direction for each electron orbital
Joshua Mann
- [QE-users] Calculating kinetic energy along particular direction for each electron orbital
Joshua Mann
- [QE-users] Calculating kinetic energy along particular direction for each electron orbital
Joshua Mann
- [QE-users] [SUSPECT ATTACHMENT REMOVED] Error in routine cft_1z (3) stopped in DFTI_NUMBER_OF_TRANSFORMS
Daniel Marchand
- [QE-users] [SUSPECT ATTACHMENT REMOVED] Re: Error in routine cft_1z (3) stopped in DFTI_NUMBER_OF_TRANSFORMS
Daniel Marchand
- [QE-users] Error in routine cft_1z (3) stopped in DFTI_NUMBER_OF_TRANSFORMS
Daniel Marchand
- [QE-users] mechanical stability under pressure from phonons
Nicola Marzari
- [QE-users] "Re2: Convergence Issues?"
Nicola Marzari
- [QE-users] help
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [QE-users] convergence problem for a molecule
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [QE-users] How i can get correct band gap by GGA+U method ?
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [QE-users] vc-relax with PBE0 and QE6.7
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [QE-users] vc-relax with PBE0 and QE6.7
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [QE-users] crystal definition
Husak Michal
- [QE-users] [QE-GPU] computing force and stress - time cost
Mohammad Moaddeli
- [QE-users] [QE-GPU] computing force and stress - time cost
Mohammad Moaddeli
- [QE-users] [QE-GPU] computing force and stress - time cost
Mohammad Moaddeli
- [QE-users] "Re2: Convergence Issues?"
Lucas Nicolás Lodeiro Moraga
- [QE-users] How to calculate mechanical properties of polymers
Omer Mutasim
- [QE-users] Convergence Issues?
Kazume Nishidate
- [QE-users] Execution error for qe_gpu
Anupriya Nyayban
- [QE-users] Execution error for qe_gpu
Anupriya Nyayban
- [QE-users] Execution error for qe_gpu
Anupriya Nyayban
- [QE-users] How i can get correct band gap by GGA+U method ?
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [QE-users] Query about forc_conv_thr in relax or vc-relax calculation
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [QE-users] band structure with HSE functional
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [QE-users] Memory requirement for open_grid.x
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [QE-users] Large input files and pw.x
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [QE-users] vc-relax with PBE0 and QE6.7
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [QE-users] Running sub-routine v_of_rho
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [QE-users] FFT order too large
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [QE-users] How to detect that QE is running in parallel
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [QE-users] How to quess computational expenses for small organic molecular crystals (PBE0 functional) ...
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [QE-users] Running sub-routine v_of_rho
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [QE-users] Regarding bands Calculation
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [QE-users] Optimizing QE Install
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [QE-users] dynamical matrix after restart
Lorenzo Paulatto
- [QE-users] QHA calculations
Claudio A. Perottoni
- [QE-users] Doubt regarding the k - points between scf and nscf
singaravelan T R
- [QE-users] Doubt regarding the k - points between scf and nscf
singaravelan T R
- [QE-users] Convergence with interstitials
Tejas Ramakrishnan
- [QE-users] Convergence with interstitials
Tejas Ramakrishnan
- [QE-users] vc-relax with PBE0 not converging
Giovani Rech
- [QE-users] Out of Memory on large available RAM for QE-GPU version
Romero Molina, Sandra
- [QE-users] Out of Memory on large available RAM for QE-GPU version
Romero Molina, Sandra
- [QE-users] convergence problem for a molecule
Ilya Ryabinkin
- [QE-users] help
- [QE-users] help
- [QE-users] Calculate band structure for alloy
- [QE-users] a problem related to the electric field calculations
Rostami Samare
- [QE-users] a problem related to the electric field calculations
Rostami Samare
- [QE-users] a problem related to the electric field calculations
Rostami Samare
- [QE-users] Optimizing QE Install
Ari P Seitsonen
- [QE-users] Energy for Cells of Different Charge
Andrii Shyichuk
- [QE-users] PwCond.x Segmentation fault
Ankit Sirohi
- [QE-users] pwcond input file request for graphene
Ankit Sirohi
- [QE-users] Running sub-routine v_of_rho
Shivesh Sivakumar
- [QE-users] Running sub-routine v_of_rho
Shivesh Sivakumar
- [QE-users] Running sub-routine v_of_rho
Shivesh Sivakumar
- [QE-users] Running sub-routine v_of_rho
Shivesh Sivakumar
- [QE-users] Question rgd. q grid for HSE calculations
Shivesh Sivakumar
- [QE-users] Doping
Robert Stanton
- [QE-users] Optimizing QE Install
Robert Stanton
- [QE-users] [QE-GPU] computing force and stress - time cost
- [QE-users] hp.x error in Cygwin64 Terminal
- [QE-users] GPU enabled QE not running
Rahul Verma
- [QE-users] Trouble installing the QE 6.6 with libxc-4.2.3 / libxc-3.0.1
Hien Vo
- [QE-users] Temperature dependent enthalpy using Quantum Espresso
Pooja Vyas
- [QE-users] How to detect that QE is running in parallel
Offermans Willem
- [QE-users] npool
Andrew Xu
- [QE-users] npool
Andrew Xu
- [QE-users] Convergence with interstitials
Mostafa Youssef
- [QE-users] Finite electric field polarisation
Mostafa Youssef
- [QE-users] a problem related to the electric field calculations
Mostafa Youssef
- [QE-users] a problem related to the electric field calculations
Mostafa Youssef
- [QE-users] Convergence Issues?
Stephen Zhang
- [QE-users] "Re2: Convergence Issues?"
Stephen Zhang
- [QE-users] pwcond input file request for graphene
hamed asadi
- [QE-users] actual QE6.7 version released?
jqhuang16b at imr.ac.cn
- [QE-users] error in QE6.7: too many communicators
jqhuang16b at imr.ac.cn
- [QE-users] How i can get correct band gap by GGA+U method ?
mohammed lamhani
- [QE-users] crystal definition
valeria arteaga muñiz
- [QE-users] crystal definition
valeria arteaga muñiz
- [QE-users] QHA calculations
henry odhiambo
- [QE-users] band structure with HSE functional
abd el ali el omrani
- [QE-users] Doubt regarding the k - points between scf and nscf
- [QE-users] Regarding nscf calculation
Satyasiban Dash ph19d005
- [QE-users] vc relax &cell namelist error
Satyasiban Dash ph19d005
- [QE-users] vc relax &cell namelist error
Satyasiban Dash ph19d005
- [QE-users] Doping
Satyasiban Dash ph19d005
- [QE-users] Doping
Satyasiban Dash ph19d005
- [QE-users] Regarding bands Calculation
Satyasiban Dash ph19d005
- [QE-users] Regarding bands Calculation
Satyasiban Dash ph19d005
- [QE-users] Regarding bands Calculation
Satyasiban Dash ph19d005
- [QE-users] dynamical matrix after restart
Бунтов Евгений Александрович
- [QE-users] Memory requirement for open_grid.x
- [QE-users] vc relax &cell namelist error
- [QE-users] Discrepancy in matrix representations of symmetry between crystal and cartesian coordinates
- [QE-users] Question marks (?) in band representations
- [QE-users] Regarding bands Calculation
- [QE-users] Convergence Issues?
- [QE-users] Discrepancy in matrix representations of symmetry between crystal and cartesian coordinates
- [QE-users] Inconsistency between DOS and Band structure
후신 부지드
- [QE-users] hp.x errors in Cygwin64 Terminal
- [QE-users] hp.x error in Cygwin64 Terminal
- [QE-users] hp.x error in Cygwin64 Terminal
Last message date:
Sun Jan 31 16:47:00 CET 2021
Archived on: Sun Jan 31 16:46:59 CET 2021
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).