[QE-users] percision of eigenvalues

Zahra Khatibi za.khatibi at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 18:23:42 CET 2021

Dear all,

I am currency using ncsf calculation to produce band dispersion. I need to
generate high precision eigenvalues, e.g. as small as 0.01 meV. I managed
to increase the number of decimal digits shown after the decimal point in
the standard output by modifying subroutine *print_ks_energies.f90* in QE
version 6.5 (format 9030 from 8F9.4 to 8F9.5).
My question is, how far can I go for increasing the number of decimal
digits shown in the output, and what parameter dictates the precision of

Kind regards,
Z. Khatibi
Postdoctoral fellow
School of Physics
Trinity College Dublin
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