January 2017 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jan 1 16:16:51 CET 2017
Ending: Tue Jan 31 20:38:08 CET 2017
Messages: 188
- [Pw_forum] Help
- [Pw_forum] <CAAEv5EU3Xt2F8A+XjJWmWb-gLSt-Ay1WWMFi0ZSrO9SfVtqR2Q at mail.gmail.com>
- [Pw_forum] problem about inputfile
Ridwan Agbaoye
- [Pw_forum] Saving charge density file
Ridwan Agbaoye
- [Pw_forum] tddft and soc
Mortaza Aghtar
- [Pw_forum] tddft and soc
Mortaza Aghtar
- [Pw_forum] tddft and soc
Mortaza Aghtar
- [Pw_forum] tddft and soc
Mortaza Aghtar
- [Pw_forum] tddft and soc
Mortaza Aghtar
- [Pw_forum] Help in compiling qe 6.0 with intel mkl and intel compilers
Yasser Fowad AlWahedi
- [Pw_forum] qe-gipaw 6.0 Segmentation fault
Yasser Fowad AlWahedi
- [Pw_forum] qe-gipaw 6.0 Segmentation fault
Yasser Fowad AlWahedi
- [Pw_forum] installation error: linking to Fortran libraries from C fails
Amel Alhassan
- [Pw_forum] installation error: linking to Fortran libraries from C fails
Amel Alhassan
- [Pw_forum] Calculation for determining Band Inversion due to Spin Orbit Coupling.
Marrazzo Antimo
- [Pw_forum] Tuning Spin Orbit Coupling parameter
Niraj Aryal
- [Pw_forum] Tuning Spin Orbit Coupling parameter
Niraj Aryal
- [Pw_forum] alpha_mix alters phonon frequencies in GaAs
Vahid Askarpour
- [Pw_forum] alpha_mix alters phonon frequencies in GaAs
Vahid Askarpour
- [Pw_forum] problem about inputfile
Pascal Boulet
- [Pw_forum] odd number of electrons and magnetization
Giovanni Cantele
- [Pw_forum] K-Points problem in scf calculation
Giovanni Cantele
- [Pw_forum] Use of nspin simultaneously with noncolin.
Giovanni Cantele
- [Pw_forum] example of cnt
Giovanni Cantele
- [Pw_forum] example of cnt
Giovanni Cantele
- [Pw_forum] qe-gipaw 6.0 Segmentation fault
Davide Ceresoli
- [Pw_forum] qe-gipaw 6.0 Segmentation fault
Davide Ceresoli
- [Pw_forum] How to ignore small negative phonon frequency
Subhodip Chatterjee
- [Pw_forum] How to ignore small negative phonon frequency
Subhodip Chatterjee
- [Pw_forum] STM images after CP calculation in QE v.6.0
Eduardo Cisternas
- [Pw_forum] STM images after CP calculation in QE v.6.0
Eduardo Cisternas
- [Pw_forum] How to apply DFT+U method for specific orbitals
Matteo Cococcioni
- [Pw_forum] aligning eigenvalues for isolated molecules/atoms
Tiana Davide
- [Pw_forum] (no subject)
Joydev De
- [Pw_forum] DOS calculation, fermi energy in newer versions
Karim Elgammal
- [Pw_forum] Fwd: [yambo-team] School announcement (fwd)
- [Pw_forum] On the ekincw of electron tempearture for double thermostat in CP method
- [Pw_forum] Re^2: Band structure projected on atomic orbitals
Guido Fratesi
- [Pw_forum] Error in K resolved DOS, with SOC.
Mohammed Ghadiyali
- [Pw_forum] Error in K resolved DOS, with SOC.
Mohammed Ghadiyali
- [Pw_forum] Calculation for determining Band Inversion due to Spin Orbit Coupling.
Mohammed Ghadiyali
- [Pw_forum] Calculation for determining Band Inversion due to Spin Orbit Coupling (edited)
Mohammed Ghadiyali
- [Pw_forum] Use of nspin simultaneously with noncolin.
Mohammed Ghadiyali
- [Pw_forum] Use of nspin simultaneously with noncolin.
Mohammed Ghadiyali
- [Pw_forum] SOC with Spin Polarization (UP and DOWN SPIN)
Mohammed Ghadiyali
- [Pw_forum] SOC with Spin Polarization (UP and DOWN SPIN)
Mohammed Ghadiyali
- [Pw_forum] HSE calculation
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Memory usage estimate of the calculation
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] STM images after CP calculation in QE v.6.0
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] diago_david_ndim
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Distribution of wavefunctions
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Relax writes out an odd sentence between the calculation
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] PbTiO3 Tetragonal phase optimization problem
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Help in compiling qe 6.0 with intel mkl and intel compilers
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] problem about inputfile
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] Error in K resolved DOS, with SOC.
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] QE installation with OpenMPI
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] ibrav=3 crystal axes
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] qe-gipaw 6.0 Segmentation fault
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] hybrid functional
Paolo Giannozzi
- [Pw_forum] QE-Dev Streaming
Ivan Girotto
- [Pw_forum] QE-GPU problems.
Konrad Gruszka
- [Pw_forum] QE-GPU problems.
Konrad Gruszka
K.A. Gururaj
- [Pw_forum] problem about inputfile
Nasim Ha
- [Pw_forum] problem about inputfile
Nasim Ha
- [Pw_forum] problem
Nasim Ha
- [Pw_forum] problem about inputfile
Amer Hamzaoui
- [Pw_forum] QE installation with OpenMPI
Amer Hamzaoui
- [Pw_forum] Saving charge density file
Manu Hegde
- [Pw_forum] optimization problems of vanadium oxide
Manu Hegde
- [Pw_forum] SOC with Spin Polarization (UP and DOWN SPIN)
Federico Iori
- [Pw_forum] Learning TDDFT calculation in Atomic label (CH4 molecule) using turbo_lanczos.x and turbo_davidson.x
Timrov Iurii
- [Pw_forum] Learning TDDFT calculation in Atomic label (CH4 molecule) using turbo_lanczos.x and turbo_davidson.x
Timrov Iurii
- [Pw_forum] Learning TDDFT calculation in Atomic label (CH4 molecule) using turbo_lanczos.x and turbo_davidson.x
Timrov Iurii
- [Pw_forum] tddft and soc
Timrov Iurii
- [Pw_forum] tddft and soc
Timrov Iurii
- [Pw_forum] tddft and soc
Timrov Iurii
- [Pw_forum] Memory usage estimate of the calculation
Jun Jiang
- [Pw_forum] gga+u CALCULATION
Kajal Jindal
- [Pw_forum] gga+u CALCULATION
Kajal Jindal
- [Pw_forum] ibrav=3 crystal axes
Mihalis Kavousanakis
- [Pw_forum] ibrav=3 crystal axes
Mihalis Kavousanakis
- [Pw_forum] CPMD
Axel Kohlmeyer
- [Pw_forum] The format of the xsf file
Tone Kokalj
- [Pw_forum] odd number of electrons and magnetization
- [Pw_forum] odd number of electrons and magnetization
- [Pw_forum] odd number of electrons and magnetization
- [Pw_forum] all-electrons calculations
- [Pw_forum] hybrid functional
- [Pw_forum] [GIPAW] Calculation of electric field gradients (EFGs) at arbitrary positions in lattice
Allen Majewski
- [Pw_forum] kpoint and degauss opt
Nicola Marzari
- [Pw_forum] Band structure projected on atomic orbitals
Nicola Marzari
- [Pw_forum] CuBTC open metal organic frameworks CONVERGENCE
Nicola Marzari
- [Pw_forum] CuBTC open metal organic frameworks CONVERGENCE
Nicola Marzari
- [Pw_forum] HSE calculation
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] HSE calculation
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] aligning eigenvalues for isolated molecules/atoms
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] problem
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] gga+u CALCULATION
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] Regarding installation of Quantum Espresso
Giuseppe Mattioli
- [Pw_forum] Phonon out of q=0 for a magnetic insulator
Merlin Meheut
- [Pw_forum] Band structure projected on atomic orbitals
Mohammad Abu Raihan Miah
- [Pw_forum] relax gives weird error
Mofrad, Amir Mehdi (MU-Student)
- [Pw_forum] Relax writes out an odd sentence between the calculation
Mofrad, Amir Mehdi (MU-Student)
Gabriele Mogni
- [Pw_forum] Band structure projected on atomic orbitals
K.M. Mohsin
- [Pw_forum] Re^2: Band structure projected on atomic orbitals
K.M. Mohsin
- [Pw_forum] Re^2: Band structure projected on atomic orbitals
K.M. Mohsin
- [Pw_forum] Intel Xeon Phi support in QE6.0?
Rolly Ng
- [Pw_forum] pw.x slurm srun failed with intel mpi?
Rolly Ng
- [Pw_forum] pw.x slurm srun failed with intel mpi?
Rolly Ng
- [Pw_forum] Intel Xeon Phi support in QE6.0?
Rolly Ng
- [Pw_forum] alpha_mix alters phonon frequencies in GaAs
Marzari Nicola
- [Pw_forum] Saving charge density file
Omosede Osafile
- [Pw_forum] floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_DENORMAL
Uttam Paliwal
- [Pw_forum] floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_DENORMAL
Uttam Paliwal
- [Pw_forum] example of cnt
Uttam Paliwal
- [Pw_forum] example of cnt
Uttam Paliwal
- [Pw_forum] example of cnt
Uttam Paliwal
- [Pw_forum] davcio error 10
Pamidighantam, Sudhakar
- [Pw_forum] diago_david_ndim
Rui Pang
- [Pw_forum] Tuning Spin Orbit Coupling parameter
Rui Pang
- [Pw_forum] CuBTC open metal organic frameworks CONVERGENCE
Francesco Pelizza
- [Pw_forum] CuBTC open metal organic frameworks CONVERGENCE
Francesco Pelizza
- [Pw_forum] CuBTC open metal organic frameworks CONVERGENCE
Francesco Pelizza
- [Pw_forum] installation error: linking to Fortran libraries from C fails
Phanikumar Pentyala
- [Pw_forum] electron phonon mass enhancement factor for surfaces
Lars Peters
- [Pw_forum] AiiDA tutorial - Lausanne, May 2017
Giovanni Pizzi
- [Pw_forum] floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_DENORMAL
Matic Poberznik
- [Pw_forum] Problem with plotbands.x and orbital weights
Rojas Solorzano, Tomas
- [Pw_forum] QE-GPU problems.
Filippo SPIGA
- [Pw_forum] pw.x slurm srun failed with intel mpi?
Filippo SPIGA
- [Pw_forum] Intel Xeon Phi support in QE6.0?
Filippo SPIGA
- [Pw_forum] QE installation with OpenMPI
Filippo SPIGA
- [Pw_forum] QE installation with OpenMPI
Filippo SPIGA
- [Pw_forum] QE installation with OpenMPI
Filippo SPIGA
- [Pw_forum] example of cnt
Biswajit Santra
- [Pw_forum] problem about inputfile
Ari P Seitsonen
- [Pw_forum] PbTiO3 Tetragonal phase optimization problem
Ari P Seitsonen
- [Pw_forum] Re^2: Band structure projected on atomic orbitals
Ari P Seitsonen
- [Pw_forum] CuBTC open metal organic frameworks CONVERGENCE
Ari P Seitsonen
- [Pw_forum] Calculation of electron-phonon interaction coefficients
Caloma Trumica
- [Pw_forum] XSPECTRA and projwfc
Yohei Uemura
- [Pw_forum] Geneartion of US PP and l channel
Aldo Ugolotti
- [Pw_forum] QE installation with OpenMPI
Aldo Ugolotti
- [Pw_forum] QE installation with OpenMPI
Aldo Ugolotti
- [Pw_forum] QE installation with OpenMPI
Aldo Ugolotti
- [Pw_forum] QE installation with OpenMPI
Aldo Ugolotti
- [Pw_forum] QE installation with OpenMPI
Aldo Ugolotti
- [Pw_forum] A question about tot_charge flag with DFT+U calculations
kosuke.nakano at agc.com
- [Pw_forum] A question about tot_charge flag with DFT+U calculations
kosuke.nakano at agc.com
- [Pw_forum] Isotropic hole, electron effective mass
- [Pw_forum] Isotropic hole, electron effective mass
- [Pw_forum] Intact
nipesh dulal
- [Pw_forum] Regarding installation of Quantum Espresso
nipesh dulal
- [Pw_forum] HSE calculation
jqli14 at fudan.edu.cn
- [Pw_forum] diago_david_ndim
jqli14 at fudan.edu.cn
- [Pw_forum] diago_david_ndim
jqli14 at fudan.edu.cn
- [Pw_forum] Distribution of wavefunctions
jqli14 at fudan.edu.cn
- [Pw_forum] URGENT
stefano de gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] A question about tot_charge flag with DFT+U calculations
stefano de gironcoli
- [Pw_forum] kpoint and degauss opt
mohammadreza hosseini
- [Pw_forum] HSE calculation
- [Pw_forum] cppp.x
katrin me
- [Pw_forum] cppp.x
katrin me
- [Pw_forum] Error in cppp.x
katrin me
- [Pw_forum] parallel electric field in graphene
toktam morshedlo
- [Pw_forum] How to apply DFT+U method for specific orbitals
meysam pazoki
- [Pw_forum] How to apply DFT+U method for specific orbitals
meysam pazoki
- [Pw_forum] Help
dario rocca
- [Pw_forum] all-electrons calculations
dario rocca
- [Pw_forum] Learning TDDFT calculation in Atomic label (CH4 molecule) using turbo_lanczos.x and turbo_davidson.x
prem sen
- [Pw_forum] Learning TDDFT calculation in Atomic label (CH4 molecule) using turbo_lanczos.x and turbo_davidson.x
prem sen
- [Pw_forum] Learning TDDFT calculation in Atomic label (CH4 molecule) using turbo_lanczos.x and turbo_davidson.x
prem sen
- [Pw_forum] Re : Learning TDDFT calculation in Atomic label (CH4 molecule) using turbo_lanczos.x and turbo_davidson.x
prem sen
- [Pw_forum] problem about inputfile
ashkan shekaari
- [Pw_forum] CPMD
ashkan shekaari
- [Pw_forum] URGENT
ashkan shekaari
- [Pw_forum] K-Points problem in scf calculation
chaitanya varma
- [Pw_forum] How to ignore small negative phonon frequency
adurajski at wip.pcz.pl
- [Pw_forum] PbTiO3 Tetragonal phase optimization problem
Максим Арсентьев
- [Pw_forum] PbTiO3 Tetragonal phase optimization problem
Максим Арсентьев
- [Pw_forum] PbTiO3 Tetragonal phase optimization problem
- [Pw_forum] PbTiO3 Tetragonal phase optimization problem
- [Pw_forum] The format of the xsf file
- [Pw_forum] optimization problems of vanadium oxide
- [Pw_forum] optimization problems of vanadium oxide
Last message date:
Tue Jan 31 20:38:08 CET 2017
Archived on: Wed Feb 28 11:16:21 CET 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).