[QE-users] Problem installing unfold.x

Paulina Jureczko paulina.jureczko at us.edu.pl
Fri Jul 21 15:10:07 CEST 2023

Dear QE developers and users,

I tried to compile the unfold.x with Quantum Espresso v.7.0, but during 
the installation process (I made all of the steps like on the website 
'https://bitbucket.org/bonfus/unfold-x/src/master/'), I faced with the 
following problem:

make[1]: *** No rule to make target 
`/home/paulinaj/qe-7.0/FFTXlib/src/libqefft.a', needed by `unfold.x'.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/paulinaj/qe-7.0/unfold/src'

I checked in the FFTXlib directory, and there is no 'src' catalogue. 
After several attempts to solve this problem, I do not know how to do it 
and I will appreciate the help.

Bests regards,

Paulina Jureczko

PhD student, Institute of Physics

University of Silesia, Poland
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