[QE-users] Is "block" a FORTRAN keyword? I see funny color in line qe-6.6/Modules/input_parameters.f90:656 when I open the file with VSCode or gedit

连云龙 lianyl at ihep.ac.cn
Mon Oct 12 11:08:58 CEST 2020

Dear QE developers,

I encountered the compiling error


f951: Fatal Error: Reading module ‘input_parameters’ at line 1703 column 5: Unexpected EOF
compilation terminated.


The compilation command I used for the job is derived from `mpif90 -showme`.

When I open the source file input_parameters.f90 with VSCode or gedit, I saw a highlighted word "block" in line 656.

I tried to replace it by other names but it didn't help to eliminate the error.

Nevertheless such replacement corrects the syntax highlight after line 656, for example, the keyword CONTAIN restored to a highlighted color. So as the final line of the code.

There must be something wrong with my compiler version ...

Could someone instruct me on how to proceed? Thanks.

Best regards,

Yunlong Lian


连云龙  |    Yunlong LIAN

ORCID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9474-2181

中国散裂中子源 | CSNS

中子科学部 | Dongguan Neutron Science Center

中国广东省东莞市  |    Dongguan, Guangdong, P. R. China
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