[Q-e-developers] Next QE release

Michael Banck mbanck at debian.org
Sun Oct 26 21:36:54 CET 2014

Hi Anton,

On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 08:31:45PM +0100, Tone Kokalj wrote:
> On Sun, 2014-10-26 at 17:42 +0100, Michael Banck wrote:
> > 3. The PWgui tarball is the only one which extracts with a version
> > number (PWgui-5.1.1), which breaks Debian's multi-tarball handling.  I
> > am still not sure whether it is supposed to be used from inside the
> > espresso top-level directory like the others or not?
> PWgui can be used completely standalone, but would be typically used in
> conjuction with QE. It can be installed anywhere (i.e. not necessarily
> inside the QE toplevel directory). In Debian terms this probably means
> that QE package recommends pwgui package and pwgui package recommends QE
> package. 

Ok, thanks.  In that case we'll package it as a seperate source and
binary package.
> Note that PWgui depends on the following (Debian) packages:
> tcl/tk/itcl3/itk3/iwidgets4

> As for the PWgui version number issue I am not sure I understand your
> point. Do you mean that it should extract with directory that is not
> postfixed by version number? But isn't the version number postfix rather
> typical?

It is typical for stand-alone packages, but the other QE-related
tarballs (like TDDFPT or neb) do not.  In Debian we bundle them all in
one source package, with the main espresso tarball and the others as
additional ones.  The way this works in Debian is that anything called
e.g. espresso_5.1.1.orig-FOO.tar.gz will get automatically unpacked into
the espresso-5.1.1/FOO directory when the source package is extracted.
As the PWgui-5.1.1 directory is not included in the main espresso
tarball and no espresso_5.1.1.orig-PWgui-5.1.1.tar.gz exists, source
package creation errors out.

But as I said above, I will remove PWgui from this so it should be fine.


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