[Wannier] inconsistency in Hamiltonian elements (_hr.dat) for spinor-valued WF, when adding "wannier_plot_spinor_mode=true" & "wannier_plot_spinor_phase=up/down"

Shima Sharifi shima.sharifi at tyndall.ie
Mon Dec 7 14:35:54 CET 2020

Deal all,
I am new user of wannier90. I have extracted wannier functions from a DFT calculation (plane wave basis, PWSCF) including spin orbit coupling (SOC). Then I turned on spinors=T and double the num_bands in my .win file. My systems have no spin polarization.

I am using quantum Espresso version 6.4.1 and the version of wanneir90 library code there, is 3.0.0.
According to the paper for new features of Wannier90 (J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32 (2020) 165902 (25pp)), there are several possibilities for plotting MLWFs. I’d like to one plot norm of spinor WF and in another case I wanted to include phase information for both spin up and spin down components. So for the first case I just turned on these items:
 wannier_plot = .true.
 wannier_plot_supercell = 3

and for the second case, I turned on these two variables as well (here for spin up):
 wannier_plot_spinor_mode = up   
 wannier_plot_spinor_phase = .true.

Meanwhile, I needed to print out metric elements, so I added relevant variables in my wannier90 input file:
write_hr  = .ture.

Then, I ran these two calculations separately using wannier90.x. I compared my _hr.dat files from those two calculations and I obviously see that there are some differences, which I wonder why. (I mean I expected that “wannier_plot_spinor_mode” and “wannier_plot_spinor_phase” make some changes just in plotting Wfs as discussed in the above paper, however it seems that it changes metric elements, as well!)
In addition, it effects wannierisation process and even final WF centers. In first case, it gets converged after 625 iterations, in second one after 1256 iterations.

Here’s my .pw2wan file:
  outdir     =  './tmp'
  prefix     =  'r-3m_Bi2Te3'
  seedname   =  'r-3m_bi2te3_LDA'
  write_amn  =  .true.
  write_mmn  =  .true.
  write_unk  =  .true.
  reduce_unk =  .true.
  spin_component =  'none'
  write_spn  =  .true.

and in my Non-scf calculation, I have turned off the symmetries to include the whole BZ.

I’d appreciate if one can guide me how to interpret those different _hr.dat outputs.

Thank you in advance.


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