[Wannier] DOS plot with siesta+wannier90

Uthpala Herath ukh0001 at mix.wvu.edu
Sat Sep 1 17:21:25 CEST 2018

Dear wannier90 users,

I am trying to plot DOS with siesta and wannier90 v 2.1.0. I am able to
plot bands after adding the following to the .win file and specifying the
kpath with the *begin kpoint_path* block.

*bands_plot = true*
*bands_num_points 40*
*bands_plot_format gnuplot xmgrace*

This gives me a xx_band.gnu file which can be used to plot the bands.

I read in the tutorial that if I add this to the file:

*dos = true*
*dos_kmesh = 25*

I should get xx_dos.gnu to plot the DOS.
However, I cannot get this file. Can someone tell me if I am missing

I am attaching the .fdf and .win files here as well.

Thank you,

Best Regards,
Uthpala Herath
Uthpala Herath
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Physics and Astronomy
West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV 26505

Email: ukh0001 at mix.wvu.edu <ukherathmudiyanselag at mix.wvu.edu>
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