[Wannier] Wannier90 for OpenVMS

Giovanni Pizzi giovanni.pizzi at epfl.ch
Thu Apr 26 13:40:47 CEST 2012

Dear Jouk,
thanks for the comments.

I just answer for what concerns the strings in src/plot.F90.

First a question: on OpenVMS, instead of defining the len_ctemp array 
and using

// ctemp(1)( 1:len_ctemp( 1 ) ) //

would also the following work?

// trim(ctemp(1)) //

And regarding the \0: it is actually intended to print a slash followed 
by a zero digit (this is a code which is then interpreted by xmgrace 
when it reads the output file; the same applies to the \x string, which 
switches - in xmgrace - to greek fonts).

Giovanni Pizzi

On 04/26/2012 10:54 AM, Jouk Jansen wrote:
> Hi all,
> I created a port of WANNIER90 for OpenVMS. Doing this I stumpbled on a
> coding error (see below). Info on the port can be found at:
>   http://nchrem.tnw.tudelft.nl/openvms/software2.html#WANNIER
> The patch file contains files of the following kinds:
>    descrip.mms  : These are the OpenVMS variants of the makefiles
>    src/*.F90    : Changed some compiler directions (aliasses) to get the
>                   right LAPACK routines linked in.
>    src/plot.F90 : In fortan when concatenating a string always the whole length
>                   specified is used regardless the contents (not like C where
> 		 the character-0 terminates the string) Therfore some
> 		 concatenations were meaningless because the righthandside
> 		 of the equal sign conactenated something at a location
> 		 larger than the string at the lefthand-side.
> 		 I changed the code slightly to overcome the problem (marked
>                   with #ifdef VMS ... #endif)
>    src/getarg.F90
>    src/iargc.F90 : Added OpenVMS-code for these non-standard functions
>    tests/*vms.pl : OpenVMS variant of the perl-script. Corrects for the fact
>                    that filesyntax for OpenVMS is different.
> Please feel free to include these changes into the next version of WANNIER90
>          Regards
> 	    Jouk
> P.S.
> I noticed in src/Plot.F90 strings containing "\0" . Is it realy menat to
> contain "\0" or is this C-like code meant to include the 0 character? If it
> is the latter, note that this is not garanteed to work for Fortran (i.e. it does
> not on OpenVMS). the standard way to do this is the use of char(0). The same
> hold for all other "special" characters.
>                         JJ
> Pax, vel iniusta, utilior est quam iustissimum bellum.
>      (free after Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 b.Chr.-46 b.Chr.)
>       Epistularum ad Atticum
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------<
>    Jouk Jansen
>    joukj at hrem.nano.tudelft.nl
>    Technische Universiteit Delft        tttttttttt  uu     uu  ddddddd
>    Kavli Institute of Nanoscience       tttttttttt  uu     uu  dd    dd
>    Nationaal centrum voor HREM              tt      uu     uu  dd     dd
>    Lorentzweg 1                             tt      uu     uu  dd     dd
>    2628 CJ Delft                            tt      uu     uu  dd     dd
>    Nederland                                tt      uu     uu  dd    dd
>    tel. 31-15-2782272                       tt       uuuuuuu   ddddddd
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Giovanni Pizzi
Post-doctoral Research Scientist
MXC 319 (Bâtiment MXC)
Station 12
CH-1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)
Phone: +41 21 69 31159

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