[QE-users] strange and possibly wrong values of forces in assume_isolated='2D' and/or 'esm' calculations

Giuseppe Mattioli giuseppe.mattioli at ism.cnr.it
Thu Feb 1 15:42:57 CET 2024

Dear all
I'm studying the absorption of molecules on metal surfaces. I've often  
used without problems assume_isolated='esm' and esm_bc='bc1' to  
decouple the interaction along z between periodically repeated images.  
However, I plan to use tot_charge .neq. 0 this time, which seems to be  
not compatible with 'esm', thus I also tried with assume_isolated='2D'.

I'm using version 7.2 together with well-tested gbrv or even older  
ultrasoft pseudopotentials in a setup used dozens of times for this  
kind of study. I've been able to reproduce part of the problem in the  
case of a single, flat benzene molecule.

This is my input file. It is a hexagonal cell which I need for  
Au(111), but there is no difference if I use a cubic one.

     calculation = 'relax'
     pseudo_dir = '/home/giuseppe/PP_UPF//',
     ibrav= 4, celldm(1)=38.0226, celldm(3)=1.40000,
     nat=12, ntyp=2,
     occupations='smearing', smearing='gaussian', degauss=0.01,
     assume_isolated = '2D',
C     12.011     c_pbe_v1.2.uspp.F.UPF
H      1.008     h_pbe_v1.4.uspp.F.UPF
C  6.03754185  4.09980430  0.00   1   1   0
C  6.61183619  5.36437480  0.00   1   1   0
C  4.65518189  3.96484180  0.00   1   1   0
C  3.84702389  5.09448512  0.00   1   1   0
C  4.42130535  6.35904350  0.00   1   1   0
C  5.80366482  6.49400044  0.00   1   1   0
H  7.68628666  5.46931959  0.00   1   1   0
H  6.25002662  7.47692529  0.00   1   1   0
H  6.66555853  3.22167059  0.00   1   1   0
H  4.20877138  2.98189546  0.00   1   1   0
H  2.77257143  4.98953422  0.00   1   1   0
H  3.79328781  7.23720529  0.00   1   1   0
K_POINTS {gamma}

After the end of scf, pw.x calculate strange forces

      atom    1 type  1   force =     1.97313636   -2.75871856    0.00000000
      atom    2 type  1   force =     3.37564882    0.32985501    0.00000000
      atom    3 type  1   force =    -1.40228454   -3.08800275    0.00000000
      atom    4 type  1   force =    -3.37564436   -0.32996097    0.00000000
      atom    5 type  1   force =    -1.97318664    2.75878311    0.00000000
      atom    6 type  1   force =     1.40228523    3.08791716    0.00000000
      atom    7 type  2   force =     1.35992166    0.13283850    0.00000000
      atom    8 type  2   force =     0.56499090    1.24423036    0.00000000
      atom    9 type  2   force =     0.79488126   -1.11132340    0.00000000
      atom   10 type  2   force =    -0.56496888   -1.24411482    0.00000000
      atom   11 type  2   force =    -1.35992315   -0.13282232    0.00000000
      atom   12 type  2   force =    -0.79485668    1.11131869    0.00000000

which are so large in the x,y components because ionic and non local  
contributions are not almost compensated.

      The ionic contribution  to forces
      atom    1 type  1   force =     4.08723253   -5.71437365   -0.00000000
      atom    2 type  1   force =     6.99250543    0.68334134   -0.00000000
      atom    3 type  1   force =    -2.90464852   -6.39651738   -0.00000000
      atom    4 type  1   force =    -6.99247323   -0.68344291   -0.00000000
      atom    5 type  1   force =    -4.08729816    5.71451843   -0.00000000
      atom    6 type  1   force =     2.90458905    6.39635110   -0.00000000
      atom    7 type  2   force =     3.36898875    0.32905678   -0.00000000
      atom    8 type  2   force =     1.39967299    3.08228687   -0.00000000
      atom    9 type  2   force =     1.96916090   -2.75319510   -0.00000000
      atom   10 type  2   force =    -1.39966185   -3.08209645   -0.00000000
      atom   11 type  2   force =    -3.36898333   -0.32906411   -0.00000000
      atom   12 type  2   force =    -1.96908455    2.75313508   -0.00000000
      The local contribution  to forces
      atom    1 type  1   force =    -2.10775560    2.94695248    0.00000000
      atom    2 type  1   force =    -3.60605113   -0.35240198    0.00000001
      atom    3 type  1   force =     1.49790156    3.29863450    0.00000001
      atom    4 type  1   force =     3.60602686    0.35255311   -0.00000002
      atom    5 type  1   force =     2.10781420   -2.94702214    0.00000002
      atom    6 type  1   force =    -1.49789744   -3.29849178   -0.00000002
      atom    7 type  2   force =    -1.81828506   -0.17758491   -0.00000000
      atom    8 type  2   force =    -0.75543049   -1.66354139    0.00000000
      atom    9 type  2   force =    -1.06277449    1.48594231    0.00000000
      atom   10 type  2   force =     0.75542343    1.66344016   -0.00000000
      atom   11 type  2   force =     1.81828464    0.17760125    0.00000000
      atom   12 type  2   force =     1.06275927   -1.48594251    0.00000000

In this conditions, bfgs goes bananas and after 50 scf steps I have  
this unpleasant situation.

      Total force =     8.956657     Total SCF correction =     0.001270
      Energy error            =      2.8E-03 Ry
      Gradient error          =      3.4E+00 Ry/Bohr

      number of scf cycles    =  50
      number of bfgs steps    =   1

      energy             old  =    -256.3549703404 Ry
      energy             new  =    -256.3521766047 Ry

      CASE: energy            _new > energy            _old

      new trust radius        =       0.0000268942 bohr

      trust_radius < trust_radius_min

      resetting bfgs history

      The maximum number of steps has been reached.

      End of BFGS Geometry Optimization

If I only drop assume_isolated = '2D' from the input above, everything  
goes as expected

      Forces acting on atoms (cartesian axes, Ry/au):

      atom    1 type  1   force =     0.01500130   -0.02089768    0.00000000
      atom    2 type  1   force =     0.02582976    0.00235533    0.00000000
      atom    3 type  1   force =    -0.01069085   -0.02372350    0.00000000
      atom    4 type  1   force =    -0.02581131   -0.00235619    0.00000000
      atom    5 type  1   force =    -0.01500318    0.02083674    0.00000000
      atom    6 type  1   force =     0.01071567    0.02379058    0.00000000
      atom    7 type  2   force =    -0.00097453   -0.00008554    0.00000000
      atom    8 type  2   force =    -0.00040726   -0.00089695    0.00000000
      atom    9 type  2   force =    -0.00047082    0.00066260    0.00000000
      atom   10 type  2   force =     0.00040426    0.00088135    0.00000000
      atom   11 type  2   force =     0.00094869    0.00008311    0.00000000
      atom   12 type  2   force =     0.00045827   -0.00064987    0.00000000


      The ionic contribution  to forces
      atom    1 type  1   force =     4.16313923   -5.81989640    0.00000000
      atom    2 type  1   force =     7.12215767    0.69533929    0.00000000
      atom    3 type  1   force =    -2.95838629   -6.51519380    0.00000000
      atom    4 type  1   force =    -7.12195513   -0.69531315    0.00000000
      atom    5 type  1   force =    -4.16328737    5.81985352    0.00000000
      atom    6 type  1   force =     2.95844582    6.51515895    0.00000000
      atom    7 type  2   force =     3.29424118    0.32170505    0.00000000
      atom    8 type  2   force =     1.36853432    3.01372692    0.00000000
      atom    9 type  2   force =     1.92589235   -2.69253439    0.00000000
      atom   10 type  2   force =    -1.36858820   -3.01373442    0.00000000
      atom   11 type  2   force =    -3.29428594   -0.32169572    0.00000000
      atom   12 type  2   force =    -1.92590764    2.69258415    0.00000000
      The local contribution  to forces
      atom    1 type  1   force =    -4.15700443    5.81134910   -0.00000041
      atom    2 type  1   force =    -7.11159870   -0.69439936   -0.00000386
      atom    3 type  1   force =     2.95401211    6.50546039    0.00000456
      atom    4 type  1   force =     7.11140469    0.69436550    0.00000203
      atom    5 type  1   force =     4.15710464   -5.81134937   -0.00000062
      atom    6 type  1   force =    -2.95410437   -6.50540079    0.00000027
      atom    7 type  2   force =    -3.11354868   -0.30405716   -0.00000088
      atom    8 type  2   force =    -1.29348330   -2.84844469   -0.00000016
      atom    9 type  2   force =    -1.82014254    2.54468681   -0.00000009
      atom   10 type  2   force =     1.29353174    2.84844194    0.00000054
      atom   11 type  2   force =     3.11358189    0.30404786    0.00000091
      atom   12 type  2   force =     1.82014521   -2.54472427    0.00000036

and BFGS converges after only 5 steps

      Total force =     0.000993     Total SCF correction =     0.000134
      SCF correction compared to forces is large: reduce conv_thr to  
get better values
      Energy error            =      7.3E-06 Ry
      Gradient error          =      4.5E-04 Ry/Bohr

      bfgs converged in   5 scf cycles and   4 bfgs steps
      (criteria: energy <  1.0E-04 Ry, force <  1.0E-03 Ry/Bohr)

      End of BFGS Geometry Optimization

      Final energy             =     -75.8258627406 Ry

      File /mnt/giuseppe-jobid_27305/ben-test3.bfgs deleted, as requested

BFGS converges without problems *in this case* also if I use  
assume_isolated = 'esm' instead of '2D', possibly because even if I  
ask for a vacuum-slab-vacuum geometry, there is no dipole in this cell  
and forces along z are killed by symmetry (am I right?). HOWEVER  
(sorry, I prefer to put together all the problems in a single report  
:-D ), when I have a surface+molecule system, which is not anymore  
symmetric along z like benzene (I can share all the details, if  
needed; it is a phthalocyanine on Au(111)), both '2D' and 'esm' seem  
to fail in the calculation of forces, I report here only a few atoms  
to show where the calculations fail

This is assume_isolated='2D'

      Forces acting on atoms (cartesian axes, Ry/au):

      atom    1 type  1   force =    -2.46581549    0.05555305  -44.68953990
      atom    2 type  1   force =     1.33203881   -0.12969950  -39.29480550
      atom    3 type  1   force =    -0.24014829    0.13983948  -38.22826314
      atom    4 type  1   force =    -1.62848060   -1.75347368  -39.49598715

      The ionic contribution  to forces
      atom    1 type  1   force =    -4.92903372    0.11027640  -89.37571261
      atom    2 type  1   force =     2.66753532   -0.25975231  -78.57707321
      atom    3 type  1   force =    -0.48180291    0.28021951  -76.44140193
      atom    4 type  1   force =    -3.25281219   -3.50837127  -78.97964210


      The local contribution  to forces
      atom    1 type  1   force =     2.46715770   -0.05676727   44.60116355
      atom    2 type  1   force =    -1.33007965    0.12925384   39.20659054
      atom    3 type  1   force =     0.23794546   -0.13850138   38.14136450
      atom    4 type  1   force =     1.63063742    1.75189936   39.40956985

and this is assume_isolated='esm' with esm_bc='bc1', where at least  
forces are compensated in x,y, but wild in z.

      Forces acting on atoms (cartesian axes, Ry/au):

      atom    1 type  1   force =     0.00087886   -0.00095173   29.72776373
      atom    2 type  1   force =     0.00134883    0.00103179   29.72611292
      atom    3 type  1   force =    -0.00054959    0.00029250   29.75075633
      atom    4 type  1   force =     0.00146407    0.00086933   29.74575523


      The ionic contribution  to forces
      atom    1 type  1   force =    -4.86679572    0.10850005  -89.30125557
      atom    2 type  1   force =     2.64875995   -0.25726046  -78.60005420
      atom    3 type  1   force =    -0.47928395    0.27875618  -76.47410067
      atom    4 type  1   force =    -3.23123811   -3.48390938  -78.99960387


      The local contribution  to forces
      atom    1 type  1   force =     4.87145206   -0.11217577  118.94587481
      atom    2 type  1   force =    -2.64125008    0.25728307  108.25252541
      atom    3 type  1   force =     0.47492849   -0.27616873  106.15561996
      atom    4 type  1   force =     3.24009805    3.48198049  108.67291065

For the sake of completeness, I also attach a few details of the input  
file, where you can see that all atoms are placed quite close to z=0,  
as requested by assume_isolated='esm'

     calculation = 'relax'
     pseudo_dir = '/home/giuseppe/PP_UPF//',
     ibrav= 4, celldm(1)=38.0226, celldm(3)=1.40000,
     nat=155, ntyp=5,
     occupations='smearing', smearing='gaussian', degauss=0.01,
     assume_isolated = '2D',
Au   196.967     Au-pbe-n-van.UPF
Fe    55.845     fe_pbe_v1.5.uspp.F.UPF
N     14.007     N.pbe-van_bm.UPF
C     12.011     C_pbe.van.UPF
H      1.008     H_pbe.van.UPF
Au  17.24592053  1.65974626  -3.36715305   0   0   0
Au  8.62333050  1.65969366  -3.36703580   0   0   0
Au  2.87432523  11.61662117  -3.36637204   0   0   0
Au  4.31134743  14.10584071  -3.36658733   0   0   0
Fe  0.00000000  1.65973416  1.50000000   0   0   1
H  -7.55645579  0.91853478  1.50000000
H  -6.91357881  -1.47304547  1.50000000
H  -4.49348975  -2.15506125  1.50000000
H  -5.80254887  2.72071813  1.50000000
K_POINTS {gamma}
HUBBARD {atomic}
U Fe-3d 4.0

As you have been so patient that you arrived all the way here, I hope  
that you can also provide suggestions to solve my problem. I'm  
available to provide further details, if needed.
Thank you in advance

Via Salaria Km 29,300 - C.P. 10
I-00015 - Monterotondo Scalo (RM)
Mob (*preferred*) +39 373 7305625
Tel + 39 06 90672342 - Fax +39 06 90672316
E-mail: <giuseppe.mattioli at ism.cnr.it>

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