[QE-users] Fermi-Surface Nesting

ukawamura u mkawamura at ds.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Sat Aug 19 18:13:53 CEST 2023

Dear Dr.Kamadurai

Maybe you are using FermiSurfer.
I added function to compute two kinds of nesting function namely
double-delta and Lindhard-type:
This version was released today.

Best regards,
Mitsuaki Kawamura

Mitsuaki Kawamura
Data Science Research Division, Information Technology Center, The
University of Tokyo
e-mail: mkawamura at ds.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

2023年8月16日(水) 15:06 Ramesh Kumar Kamadurai via users
<users at lists.quantum-espresso.org>:
> Dear All
> I am writing to get some clarification about the nesting of the Fermi surface. Since the FS geometry looks complex, I need help understanding it correctly. Sorry for asking non-QE-related question. I have calculated the Fermi surface for a conventional cell and projected it onto the primitive cell. When examining a slice along the 110 direction, I noticed two parallel lines at the boundary's edge. Further in the phonon calculation, I observed phonon softening (imaginary frequency) at the same M point. Is there a connection between this stitching of surfaces on the Fermi surface and the observed phonon softening, and finally, is there a nesting? I am attaching the relevant pictures. Thanks in advance for your suggestion.
>  Best regards,
> K. Ramesh Kumar
>  Assistant Professor
> Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management,
>  Phone: +91 9895637981, +1 6782419790
> Email: kraamesh57 at gmail.com rkamadur at gitam.edu
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