[QE-users] Error when using np1,np2,np3 variables in cppp.x input

Mahmoud Payami Shabestari mpayami at aeoi.org.ir
Sat Dec 4 13:44:20 CET 2021

Dear QE users and developers,


When I use the variables as:

np1=2 np2=2 np3=2

in the input file for cppp.x, it complains with error message:

Error reading namelist &inputpp

But when I just add a line as:

2 2 2

it does nothing.

I would appreciate any comment on the possible syntax error in input file.




Mahmoud Payami

NSTRI, AEOI, Tehran, Iran

Email: mpayami at aeoi.org.ir
Phone: +98 (0)21 82066504
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