[QE-users] Re2: pw.x Bands Calculation not Converging for Ba4Sn9Bi3

Lucas Nicolás Lodeiro Moraga lucas.lodeiro at ug.uchile.cl
Sat Jul 25 13:36:47 CEST 2020


As Karpati says, you have to ensure that the parameters like ecutwfc,
number of kpoints and smearing are ok, with a good system behavior and
convergence, for the scf calculation. (A smaller degauss, 0.01 or less, and
higher ecutwfc, 45, maybe)
If your calculation is converging in the scf, you do not need to increase
more the number of bands, the default increasing due to smearing it is
Your problem in the nscf bands calculation is probably because you are
using a very high convergence threshold.  conv_thr in scf calculation its a
total energy like criterion... but for nscf calculation it defines
indirectly, the diago_thr_init, which is the convergence criteria for

For non-scf calculations: default is (conv_thr

With your input this values is 10⁻¹².... too low. For bands calculation it
is not necessary a diago_thr_init lower than 10⁻ ⁵, if you need only the
band energies. If you use a conv_thr=1e-2 or 1e-3, the problem should

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