[QE-users] Missing Hubbard atoms from ATOMIC_POSITIONS card

Hooman Yaghoobnejad Asl hynr8 at mst.edu
Fri Feb 21 20:44:03 CET 2020

Dear all,
The following must be an easy fix. I just started to use hp.x for LiMnO2
(hypothetical structure), which is a magnetic (AFM) insulator. I followed
the example02 of the HP code (NiO U parameter) and it worked as expected. I
do the same sequence for the above structure (i.e., magnetic metal,
magnetic insulator, linear response), but at the last step, hp.x stops with
the following error:
"     WARNING! All Hubbard atoms must be listed first in the
Any hint to show me what I'm doing wrong is highly appreciated.
I'm using QE 6.4.1
Input for the second step (magnetic insulator) is pasted below:

    ibrav = 0
    celldm(1) = 10.52955401,
    nat   = 16
    ntyp  = 4
    nbnd  = 72
                     ecutwfc = 50 ,
                     ecutrho = 400 ,
                 occupations = 'fixed' ,
                 nspin = 2 ,
tot_magnetization = 0.00
    lda_plus_u = .true.,
    lda_plus_u_kind = 0,
    U_projection_type = 'ortho-atomic',
    Hubbard_U(2) = 1.d-8
    Hubbard_U(3) = 1.d-8
    electron_maxstep = 500,
    conv_thr =  1.d-15
    mixing_beta = 0.7 ,
    startingpot = 'file'
    startingwfc = 'file'
    O       15.99     O.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.0.1.upf
    Mn1     54.93805  Mn.pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.0.3.1.UPF
    Mn2     54.93805  Mn.pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.0.3.1.UPF
    Li       6.94100  Li.pbe-s-kjpaw_psl.0.2.1.upf
O        0.138178100   0.392913471   0.233700489
O        0.361767139   0.106848852   0.766122199
Mn1      0.000000000   0.000000000   0.000000000
Li       0.250095079   0.250498471   0.500248603
O        0.138177233   0.892913211   0.233699914
O        0.361766394   0.606847636   0.766121721
Mn2     -0.000000000   0.500000000  -0.000000000
Li       0.250092166   0.750492217   0.500245834
O        0.638233606   0.393152364   0.233878279
O        0.861822767   0.107087789   0.766300086
Mn2      0.500000000   0.000000000   0.000000000
Li       0.749907834   0.249508783   0.499754166
O        0.638233861   0.893152148   0.233877801
O        0.861822900   0.607086529   0.766299511
Mn1      0.500000000   0.500000000   0.000000000
Li       0.749905921   0.749501529   0.499751397
   0.994008748   0.006054947   0.149445159
  -0.494775805   0.989385379  -0.097973510
   0.114248343  -0.030106079   0.902638553
K_POINTS automatic
4 4 5   0 0 0


*Hooman Yaghoobnejad*

*PhD, Department of Chemistry*

*Missouri University of Science and Technology*

*Rolla, MO 65409*
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