[QE-users] Does anyone know how to calculate the DOS projected onto a spherical region from the center of an atom, and the DOS projected onto a Bader region?

Marcelo Albuquerque marcelofilho at id.uff.br
Thu Feb 6 01:48:34 CET 2020

I saw an interesting figure (Figure 2 of the file at the link below), which
showed both the DOS mentioned in the question above. In fact, they did
those calculations using the based-DFT VASP package.
However, I was wondering if this would be possible using Quantum Espresso.
Does anyone know how to perform such a calculation?
As a matter of fact, I know that the program projwfc.x can calculate local
DOS inside volumes of boxes containing the FFT grid. But how can I define
the spherical radius from a specific atom (for example, for 1 or 2
angstroms radius)?
Yet, in the case of the Bader region, I know how to calculate the Bader
charge and the Bader volume from postprocessing (using pp.x) code, and
using a code from http://theory.cm.utexas.edu/henkelman/code/bader/
But I don't know how to perform the DOS projected in those regions. Can
someone help me with this?
I appreciate it in advance.

Link for the file:

*       Marcelo Albuquerque*

*          Ph.D. Student*

*      Instituto de Física*

*Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)*
*       Niteroi/RJ - Brazil*
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