[Pw_forum] Negative phonon frequencies at gamma point

Pablo García Risueño garcia.risueno at gmail.com
Fri Apr 14 15:47:49 CEST 2017

Dear Espresso community

I come to you because I find a problem that I cannot solve. I am running
phonon calculations in different Si-H clusters. Some of them (the smallest
ones) work well, but for the rest I always find negative frequencies beyond
the 6th frequency (at q=0, I deal with isolated systems).

I obtain very nice relaxations (e.g. <<  Total force =     0.000093 >>) but
ph.x gives some negative frequencies beyond the 6th one:

     freq (    6) =      -2.042467 [THz] =     -68.129354 [cm-1]
     freq (    7) =      -2.040393 [THz] =     -68.060182 [cm-1]
     freq (    8) =      -2.040381 [THz] =     -68.059778 [cm-1]
     freq (    9) =       0.396144 [THz] =      13.213941 [cm-1]

When I run dynmat.x, the results get worse instead of improving:

  10   -134.72   -4.0388    0.0499
   11   -134.72   -4.0388    0.0499
   12    -77.44   -2.3217    0.0000
   13    -77.44   -2.3217    0.0000
   14    -76.18   -2.2838    0.0000
   15    -76.18   -2.2838    0.0000
   16    -76.18   -2.2838    0.0000
   17    -71.69   -2.1492    0.0201
   18    -71.69   -2.1492    0.0201
   19    -71.69   -2.1492    0.0201
   20    -58.72   -1.7604    0.0000
   21    -52.87   -1.5849    0.0000
   22    -45.50   -1.3642    0.0000
   23    -45.50   -1.3642    0.0000
   24    -45.50   -1.3642    0.0000
   25    -38.77   -1.1622    0.0000
   26    -38.77   -1.1622    0.0000
   27      2.10    0.0628    0.0103
   28      2.10    0.0628    0.0103
   29      2.10    0.0628    0.0103
   30     31.92    0.9568    0.0000

I have tried many recommendations that I found at the forum (increase the
box size, reduce the conv_thr, try other pseudopotentials...) but
everything failed. Could you give me a clue on how this problem could be
solved? I am attaching a document with the input files and part of the
output informations.

Thank you very much. Best regards.


Dr. Pablo García Risueño

Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Universität Hamburg, Grindelallee 117,
20146 Hamburg

Tel. +49 040 42 83 84 82 7
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mpirun -np 32 /home/QE_files/pw.x < inputfiles/geomopt.in > outputfiles/out_geomopt.out  
mpirun -np 32 /home/QE_files/pw.x < scf.in > outputfiles/out_scf0.out
mpirun -np 32 /home/QE_files/ph.x < inputfiles/dyneq.in > outputfiles/out_dyneq.out
mpirun -np 32 /home/QE_files/dynmat.x < dynmat.in > outputfiles/out_dynmat.out




    calculation = 'relax' ,
    restart_mode = 'from_scratch',
    outdir = './',
    pseudo_dir = '/home/risueno/CalcsPengProject/QE_files/PP/' ,
    forc_conv_thr = 1.0D-15 ,
    etot_conv_thr = 1.0D-16 ,

    ibrav = 0, a=29,  
    nat= 119, ntyp= 2,
    ecutwfc = 30d0,
    nbnd = 220, 

    conv_thr = 1.0e-18,
    mixing_beta = 0.7,
    mixing_mode = 'plain',
    diagonalization = 'david'


Si  28.085       Si.pbe-hgh.UPF  
H   1.007825035  H.pbe-hgh.UPF 

Si      -1.338835603  -4.029777859  -1.338835603
Si      -4.029777859  -1.338835603  -1.338835603
Si      -1.338835603  -1.338835603  -4.029777859
Si       1.365408625  -4.049931193  -4.049931193
Si       4.049931193  -4.049931193  -1.365408625
Si       1.353136454  -1.353136454  -1.353136454
Si       4.049931193  -1.365408625  -4.049931193
Si      -4.049931193   1.365408625  -4.049931193
Si      -1.353136454   1.353136454  -1.353136454
Si      -4.049931193   4.049931193  -1.365408625
Si      -1.365408625   4.049931193  -4.049931193
Si       1.338835603   1.338835603  -4.029777859
Si       4.029777859   1.338835603  -1.338835603
Si       1.338835603   4.029777859  -1.338835603
Si      -4.049931193  -4.049931193   1.365408625
Si      -1.365408625  -4.049931193   4.049931193
Si      -4.049931193  -1.365408625   4.049931193
Si      -1.353136454  -1.353136454   1.353136454
Si       1.338835603  -4.029777859   1.338835603
Si       1.338835603  -1.338835603   4.029777859
Si       4.029777859  -1.338835603   1.338835603
Si      -4.029777859   1.338835603   1.338835603
Si      -1.338835603   1.338835603   4.029777859
Si      -1.338835603   4.029777859   1.338835603
Si       1.353136454   1.353136454   1.353136454
Si       4.049931193   1.365408625   4.049931193
Si       1.365408625   4.049931193   4.049931193
Si       4.049931193   4.049931193   1.365408625
Si       0.010049433  -2.704252476  -2.704252476
Si      -2.704252476   0.010049433  -2.704252476
Si      -0.010049433   2.704252476  -2.704252476
Si       2.704252476  -0.010049433  -2.704252476
Si       0.000000000   0.000000000  -5.375747359
Si      -2.704252476  -2.704252476   0.010049433
Si      -0.010049433  -2.704252476   2.704252476
Si       2.704252476  -2.704252476  -0.010049433
Si       0.000000000  -5.375747359   0.000000000
Si      -2.704252476  -0.010049433   2.704252476
Si      -2.704252476   2.704252476  -0.010049433
Si      -5.375747359   0.000000000  -0.000000000
Si       0.010049433   2.704252476   2.704252476
Si       2.704252476   0.010049433   2.704252476
Si       2.704252476   2.704252476   0.010049433
Si       0.000000000  -0.000000000   0.000000000
Si       5.375747359  -0.000000000  -0.000000000
Si       0.000000000   5.375747359  -0.000000000
Si       0.000000000   0.000000000   5.375747359
Si       2.865812804  -5.385943854  -2.865812804
Si       2.865812804  -2.865812804  -5.385943854
Si       5.385943854  -2.865812804  -2.865812804
Si      -5.385943854   2.865812804  -2.865812804
Si      -2.865812804   2.865812804  -5.385943854
Si      -2.865812804   5.385943854  -2.865812804
Si      -5.385943854  -2.865812804   2.865812804
Si      -2.865812804  -5.385943854   2.865812804
Si       5.385943854   2.865812804   2.865812804
Si       2.865812804   5.385943854   2.865812804
Si      -2.865812804  -2.865812804   5.385943854
Si       2.865812804   2.865812804   5.385943854
H       -2.215372573  -4.888386300  -2.215372573
H       -4.888386300  -2.215372573  -2.215372573
H       -2.215372573  -2.215372573  -4.888386300
H        0.488055460  -4.915973832  -4.915973832
H        4.915973832  -4.915973832  -0.488055460
H        4.915973832  -0.488055460  -4.915973832
H       -4.915973832   0.488055460  -4.915973832
H       -4.915973832   4.915973832  -0.488055460
H       -0.488055460   4.915973832  -4.915973832
H        2.215372573   2.215372573  -4.888386300
H        4.888386300   2.215372573  -2.215372573
H        2.215372573   4.888386300  -2.215372573
H       -4.915973832  -4.915973832   0.488055460
H       -0.488055460  -4.915973832   4.915973832
H       -4.915973832  -0.488055460   4.915973832
H        2.215372573  -4.888386300   2.215372573
H        2.215372573  -2.215372573   4.888386300
H        4.888386300  -2.215372573   2.215372573
H       -4.888386300   2.215372573   2.215372573
H       -2.215372573   2.215372573   4.888386300
H       -2.215372573   4.888386300   2.215372573
H        4.915973832   0.488055460   4.915973832
H        0.488055460   4.915973832   4.915973832
H        4.915973832   4.915973832   0.488055460
H        0.858886462  -0.858886462  -6.258542966
H       -0.858886462   0.858886462  -6.258542966
H        0.858886462  -6.258542966  -0.858886462
H       -0.858886462  -6.258542966   0.858886462
H       -6.258542966   0.858886462  -0.858886462
H       -6.258542966  -0.858886462   0.858886462
H        6.258543966  -0.858886462  -0.858886462
H        6.258543966   0.858886462   0.858886462
H       -0.858886462   6.258543966  -0.858886462
H        0.858886462   6.258543966   0.858886462
H       -0.858886462  -0.858886462   6.258543966
H        0.858886462   0.858886462   6.258543966
H        2.230332566  -6.585855556  -2.230332566
H        3.874256002  -5.869856723  -3.874256002
H        3.874256002  -3.874256002  -5.869856723
H        2.230332566  -2.230332566  -6.585855556
H        5.869857723  -3.874256002  -3.874256002
H        6.585856556  -2.230332566  -2.230332566
H       -6.585855556   2.230332566  -2.230332566
H       -5.869856723   3.874256002  -3.874256002
H       -2.230332566   2.230332566  -6.585855556
H       -3.874256002   3.874256002  -5.869856723
H       -3.874256002   5.869857723  -3.874256002
H       -2.230332566   6.585856556  -2.230332566
H       -5.869856723  -3.874256002   3.874256002
H       -6.585855556  -2.230332566   2.230332566
H       -3.874256002  -5.869856723   3.874256002
H       -2.230332566  -6.585855556   2.230332566
H        6.585856556   2.230332566   2.230332566
H        5.869857723   3.874256002   3.874256002
H        2.230332566   6.585856556   2.230332566
H        3.874256002   5.869857723   3.874256002
H       -3.874256002  -3.874256002   5.869857723
H       -2.230332566  -2.230332566   6.585856556
H        2.230332566   2.230332566   6.585856556
H        3.874256002   3.874256002   5.869857723

 1.00  0.00   0.00
 0.00   1.00  0.00
 0.00   0.00   1.00 

 0.0 0.0 0.0  1.0



    calculation = 'scf',
    nstep = 2000,
 Si  28.085       Si.pz-vbc.UPF
 H   1.007825035  H.pz-vbc.UPF
Si      -1.353006268  -4.078035337  -1.353006268
Si      -4.078035337  -1.353006268  -1.353006268
Si      -1.353006268  -1.353006268  -4.078035337
Si       1.394601414  -4.106172445  -4.106172445
Si       4.106172445  -4.106172445  -1.394601414
Si       1.371951108  -1.371951108  -1.371951108
Si       4.106172445  -1.394601414  -4.106172445
Si      -4.106172445   1.394601414  -4.106172445
Si      -1.371951108   1.371951108  -1.371951108
Si      -4.106172445   4.106172445  -1.394601414
Si      -1.394601414   4.106172445  -4.106172445
Si       1.353006268   1.353006268  -4.078035337
Si       4.078035337   1.353006268  -1.353006268
Si       1.353006268   4.078035337  -1.353006268
Si      -4.106172445  -4.106172445   1.394601414
Si      -1.394601414  -4.106172445   4.106172445
Si      -4.106172445  -1.394601414   4.106172445
Si      -1.371951108  -1.371951108   1.371951108
Si       1.353006268  -4.078035337   1.353006268
Si       1.353006268  -1.353006268   4.078035337
Si       4.078035337  -1.353006268   1.353006268
Si      -4.078035337   1.353006268   1.353006268
Si      -1.353006268   1.353006268   4.078035337
Si      -1.353006268   4.078035337   1.353006268
Si       1.371951108   1.371951108   1.371951108
Si       4.106172445   1.394601414   4.106172445
Si       1.394601414   4.106172445   4.106172445
Si       4.106172445   4.106172445   1.394601414
Si       0.015032168  -2.741887353  -2.741887353
Si      -2.741887353   0.015032168  -2.741887353
Si      -0.015032168   2.741887353  -2.741887353
Si       2.741887353  -0.015032168  -2.741887353
Si       0.000000000  -0.000000000  -5.439560132
Si      -2.741887353  -2.741887353   0.015032168
Si      -0.015032168  -2.741887353   2.741887353
Si       2.741887353  -2.741887353  -0.015032168
Si       0.000000000  -5.439560132   0.000000000
Si      -2.741887353  -0.015032168   2.741887353
Si      -2.741887353   2.741887353  -0.015032168
Si      -5.439560132   0.000000000  -0.000000000
Si       0.015032168   2.741887353   2.741887353
Si       2.741887353   0.015032168   2.741887353
Si       2.741887353   2.741887353   0.015032168
Si       0.000000000   0.000000000   0.000000000
Si       5.439560132   0.000000000   0.000000000
Si       0.000000000   5.439560132   0.000000000
Si       0.000000000  -0.000000000   5.439560132
Si       2.913474131  -5.461351014  -2.913474131
Si       2.913474131  -2.913474131  -5.461351014
Si       5.461351014  -2.913474131  -2.913474131
Si      -5.461351014   2.913474131  -2.913474131
Si      -2.913474131   2.913474131  -5.461351014
Si      -2.913474131   5.461351014  -2.913474131
Si      -5.461351014  -2.913474131   2.913474131
Si      -2.913474131  -5.461351014   2.913474131
Si       5.461351014   2.913474131   2.913474131
Si       2.913474131   5.461351014   2.913474131
Si      -2.913474131  -2.913474131   5.461351014
Si       2.913474131   2.913474131   5.461351014
H       -2.229460827  -4.944348207  -2.229460827
H       -4.944348207  -2.229460827  -2.229460827
H       -2.229460827  -2.229460827  -4.944348207
H        0.513123357  -4.974191147  -4.974191147
H        4.974191147  -4.974191147  -0.513123357
H        4.974191147  -0.513123357  -4.974191147
H       -4.974191147   0.513123357  -4.974191147
H       -4.974191147   4.974191147  -0.513123357
H       -0.513123357   4.974191147  -4.974191147
H        2.229460827   2.229460827  -4.944348207
H        4.944348207   2.229460827  -2.229460827
H        2.229460827   4.944348207  -2.229460827
H       -4.974191147  -4.974191147   0.513123357
H       -0.513123357  -4.974191147   4.974191147
H       -4.974191147  -0.513123357   4.974191147
H        2.229460827  -4.944348207   2.229460827
H        2.229460827  -2.229460827   4.944348207
H        4.944348207  -2.229460827   2.229460827
H       -4.944348207   2.229460827   2.229460827
H       -2.229460827   2.229460827   4.944348207
H       -2.229460827   4.944348207   2.229460827
H        4.974191147   0.513123357   4.974191147
H        0.513123357   4.974191147   4.974191147
H        4.974191147   4.974191147   0.513123357
H        0.852268509  -0.852268509  -6.335089647
H       -0.852268509   0.852268509  -6.335089647
H        0.852268509  -6.335089647  -0.852268509
H       -0.852268509  -6.335089647   0.852268509
H       -6.335089647   0.852268509  -0.852268509
H       -6.335089647  -0.852268509   0.852268509
H        6.335090647  -0.852268509  -0.852268509
H        6.335090647   0.852268509   0.852268509
H       -0.852268509   6.335090647  -0.852268509
H        0.852268509   6.335090647   0.852268509
H       -0.852268509  -0.852268509   6.335090647
H        0.852268509   0.852268509   6.335090647
H        2.285108452  -6.671456146  -2.285108452
H        3.921030744  -5.957399364  -3.921030744
H        3.921030744  -3.921030744  -5.957399364
H        2.285108452  -2.285108452  -6.671456146
H        5.957400364  -3.921030744  -3.921030744
H        6.671457146  -2.285108452  -2.285108452
H       -6.671456146   2.285108452  -2.285108452
H       -5.957399364   3.921030744  -3.921030744
H       -2.285108452   2.285108452  -6.671456146
H       -3.921030744   3.921030744  -5.957399364
H       -3.921030744   5.957400364  -3.921030744
H       -2.285108452   6.671457146  -2.285108452
H       -5.957399364  -3.921030744   3.921030744
H       -6.671456146  -2.285108452   2.285108452
H       -3.921030744  -5.957399364   3.921030744
H       -2.285108452  -6.671456146   2.285108452
H        6.671457146   2.285108452   2.285108452
H        5.957400364   3.921030744   3.921030744
H        2.285108452   6.671457146   2.285108452
H        3.921030744   5.957400364   3.921030744
H       -3.921030744  -3.921030744   5.957400364
H       -2.285108452  -2.285108452   6.671457146
H        2.285108452   2.285108452   6.671457146
H        3.921030744   3.921030744   5.957400364
  1.00  0.00   0.00
  0.00   1.00  0.00
  0.00   0.00   1.00
  0.0 0.0 0.0  1.0



Phonons of Si cluster at Gamma   
 0.0 0.0 0.0



&input fildyn='dynG', asr='simple' /




     highest occupied, lowest unoccupied level (ev):    -5.2709   -2.2927

!    total energy              =    -533.25057349 Ry
     Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -533.25057349 Ry
     estimated scf accuracy    <          2.9E-19 Ry

     The total energy is the sum of the following terms:

     one-electron contribution =   -6727.15297612 Ry
     hartree contribution      =    3382.85038343 Ry
     xc contribution           =    -182.11607797 Ry
     ewald contribution        =    2993.16809717 Ry

     convergence has been achieved in  13 iterations

     Forces acting on atoms (Ry/au):

     atom    1 type  1   force =    -0.00000066   -0.00000681   -0.00000066
     atom    2 type  1   force =    -0.00000681   -0.00000066   -0.00000066
     atom    3 type  1   force =    -0.00000066   -0.00000066   -0.00000681
     atom    4 type  1   force =     0.00000485    0.00000472    0.00000472
     atom    5 type  1   force =    -0.00000472    0.00000472   -0.00000485
     atom    6 type  1   force =     0.00000167   -0.00000167   -0.00000167
     atom    7 type  1   force =    -0.00000472   -0.00000485    0.00000472
     atom    8 type  1   force =     0.00000472    0.00000485    0.00000472
     atom    9 type  1   force =    -0.00000167    0.00000167   -0.00000167
     atom   10 type  1   force =     0.00000472   -0.00000472   -0.00000485
     atom   11 type  1   force =    -0.00000485   -0.00000472    0.00000472
     atom   12 type  1   force =     0.00000066    0.00000066   -0.00000681
     atom   13 type  1   force =     0.00000681    0.00000066   -0.00000066
     atom   14 type  1   force =     0.00000066    0.00000681   -0.00000066
     atom   15 type  1   force =     0.00000472    0.00000472    0.00000485
     atom   16 type  1   force =    -0.00000485    0.00000472   -0.00000472
     atom   17 type  1   force =     0.00000472   -0.00000485   -0.00000472
     atom   18 type  1   force =    -0.00000167   -0.00000167    0.00000167
     atom   19 type  1   force =     0.00000066   -0.00000681    0.00000066
     atom   20 type  1   force =     0.00000066   -0.00000066    0.00000681
     atom   21 type  1   force =     0.00000681   -0.00000066    0.00000066
     atom   22 type  1   force =    -0.00000681    0.00000066    0.00000066
     atom   23 type  1   force =    -0.00000066    0.00000066    0.00000681
     atom   24 type  1   force =    -0.00000066    0.00000681    0.00000066
     atom   25 type  1   force =     0.00000167    0.00000167    0.00000167
     atom   26 type  1   force =    -0.00000472    0.00000485   -0.00000472
     atom   27 type  1   force =     0.00000485   -0.00000472   -0.00000472
     atom   28 type  1   force =    -0.00000472   -0.00000472    0.00000485
     atom   29 type  1   force =    -0.00000694   -0.00000056   -0.00000056
     atom   30 type  1   force =    -0.00000056   -0.00000694   -0.00000056
     atom   31 type  1   force =     0.00000694    0.00000056   -0.00000056
     atom   32 type  1   force =     0.00000056    0.00000694   -0.00000056
     atom   33 type  1   force =     0.00000000   -0.00000000   -0.00000336
     atom   34 type  1   force =    -0.00000056   -0.00000056   -0.00000694
     atom   35 type  1   force =     0.00000694   -0.00000056    0.00000056
     atom   36 type  1   force =     0.00000056   -0.00000056    0.00000694
     atom   37 type  1   force =     0.00000000   -0.00000336    0.00000000
     atom   38 type  1   force =    -0.00000056    0.00000694    0.00000056
     atom   39 type  1   force =    -0.00000056    0.00000056    0.00000694
     atom   40 type  1   force =    -0.00000336    0.00000000    0.00000000
     atom   41 type  1   force =    -0.00000694    0.00000056    0.00000056
     atom   42 type  1   force =     0.00000056   -0.00000694    0.00000056
     atom   43 type  1   force =     0.00000056    0.00000056   -0.00000694
     atom   44 type  1   force =     0.00000000    0.00000000    0.00000000
     atom   45 type  1   force =     0.00000336    0.00000000    0.00000000
     atom   46 type  1   force =     0.00000000    0.00000336   -0.00000000
     atom   47 type  1   force =     0.00000000    0.00000000    0.00000336
     atom   48 type  1   force =     0.00000613    0.00000330   -0.00000613
     atom   49 type  1   force =     0.00000613   -0.00000613    0.00000330
     atom   50 type  1   force =    -0.00000330   -0.00000613   -0.00000613
     atom   51 type  1   force =     0.00000330    0.00000613   -0.00000613
     atom   52 type  1   force =    -0.00000613    0.00000613    0.00000330
     atom   53 type  1   force =    -0.00000613   -0.00000330   -0.00000613
     atom   54 type  1   force =     0.00000330   -0.00000613    0.00000613
     atom   55 type  1   force =    -0.00000613    0.00000330    0.00000613
     atom   56 type  1   force =    -0.00000330    0.00000613    0.00000613
     atom   57 type  1   force =     0.00000613   -0.00000330    0.00000613
     atom   58 type  1   force =    -0.00000613   -0.00000613   -0.00000330
     atom   59 type  1   force =     0.00000613    0.00000613   -0.00000330
     atom   60 type  2   force =    -0.00000629    0.00000445   -0.00000629
     atom   61 type  2   force =     0.00000445   -0.00000629   -0.00000629
     atom   62 type  2   force =    -0.00000629   -0.00000629    0.00000445
     atom   63 type  2   force =     0.00000247    0.00000725    0.00000725
     atom   64 type  2   force =    -0.00000725    0.00000725   -0.00000247
     atom   65 type  2   force =    -0.00000725   -0.00000247    0.00000725
     atom   66 type  2   force =     0.00000725    0.00000247    0.00000725
     atom   67 type  2   force =     0.00000725   -0.00000725   -0.00000247
     atom   68 type  2   force =    -0.00000247   -0.00000725    0.00000725
     atom   69 type  2   force =     0.00000629    0.00000629    0.00000445
     atom   70 type  2   force =    -0.00000445    0.00000629   -0.00000629
     atom   71 type  2   force =     0.00000629   -0.00000445   -0.00000629
     atom   72 type  2   force =     0.00000725    0.00000725    0.00000247
     atom   73 type  2   force =    -0.00000247    0.00000725   -0.00000725
     atom   74 type  2   force =     0.00000725   -0.00000247   -0.00000725
     atom   75 type  2   force =     0.00000629    0.00000445    0.00000629
     atom   76 type  2   force =     0.00000629   -0.00000629   -0.00000445
     atom   77 type  2   force =    -0.00000445   -0.00000629    0.00000629
     atom   78 type  2   force =     0.00000445    0.00000629    0.00000629
     atom   79 type  2   force =    -0.00000629    0.00000629   -0.00000445
     atom   80 type  2   force =    -0.00000629   -0.00000445    0.00000629
     atom   81 type  2   force =    -0.00000725    0.00000247   -0.00000725
     atom   82 type  2   force =     0.00000247   -0.00000725   -0.00000725
     atom   83 type  2   force =    -0.00000725   -0.00000725    0.00000247
     atom   84 type  2   force =     0.00000540   -0.00000540    0.00000556
     atom   85 type  2   force =    -0.00000540    0.00000540    0.00000556
     atom   86 type  2   force =     0.00000540    0.00000556   -0.00000540
     atom   87 type  2   force =    -0.00000540    0.00000556    0.00000540
     atom   88 type  2   force =     0.00000556    0.00000540   -0.00000540
     atom   89 type  2   force =     0.00000556   -0.00000540    0.00000540
     atom   90 type  2   force =    -0.00000556   -0.00000540   -0.00000540
     atom   91 type  2   force =    -0.00000556    0.00000540    0.00000540
     atom   92 type  2   force =    -0.00000540   -0.00000556   -0.00000540
     atom   93 type  2   force =     0.00000540   -0.00000556    0.00000540
     atom   94 type  2   force =    -0.00000540   -0.00000540   -0.00000556
     atom   95 type  2   force =     0.00000540    0.00000540   -0.00000556
     atom   96 type  2   force =     0.00000279    0.00000796   -0.00000279
     atom   97 type  2   force =     0.00000508   -0.00000508   -0.00000508
     atom   98 type  2   force =     0.00000508   -0.00000508   -0.00000508
     atom   99 type  2   force =     0.00000279   -0.00000279    0.00000796
     atom  100 type  2   force =     0.00000508   -0.00000508   -0.00000508
     atom  101 type  2   force =    -0.00000796   -0.00000279   -0.00000279
     atom  102 type  2   force =     0.00000796    0.00000279   -0.00000279
     atom  103 type  2   force =    -0.00000508    0.00000508   -0.00000508
     atom  104 type  2   force =    -0.00000279    0.00000279    0.00000796
     atom  105 type  2   force =    -0.00000508    0.00000508   -0.00000508
     atom  106 type  2   force =    -0.00000508    0.00000508   -0.00000508
     atom  107 type  2   force =    -0.00000279   -0.00000796   -0.00000279
     atom  108 type  2   force =    -0.00000508   -0.00000508    0.00000508
     atom  109 type  2   force =     0.00000796   -0.00000279    0.00000279
     atom  110 type  2   force =    -0.00000508   -0.00000508    0.00000508
     atom  111 type  2   force =    -0.00000279    0.00000796    0.00000279
     atom  112 type  2   force =    -0.00000796    0.00000279    0.00000279
     atom  113 type  2   force =     0.00000508    0.00000508    0.00000508
     atom  114 type  2   force =     0.00000279   -0.00000796    0.00000279
     atom  115 type  2   force =     0.00000508    0.00000508    0.00000508
     atom  116 type  2   force =    -0.00000508   -0.00000508    0.00000508
     atom  117 type  2   force =    -0.00000279   -0.00000279   -0.00000796
     atom  118 type  2   force =     0.00000279    0.00000279   -0.00000796
     atom  119 type  2   force =     0.00000508    0.00000508    0.00000508

     Total force =     0.000093     Total SCF correction =     0.000000

     bfgs converged in  45 scf cycles and  44 bfgs steps
     (criteria: energy <  1.0E-16, force <  1.0E-15)

     End of BFGS Geometry Optimization

     Final energy   =    -533.2505734946 Ry

Begin final coordinates

Si      -1.353006268  -4.078035337  -1.353006268
Si      -4.078035337  -1.353006268  -1.353006268
Si      -1.353006268  -1.353006268  -4.078035337
Si       1.394601414  -4.106172445  -4.106172445
Si       4.106172445  -4.106172445  -1.394601414
Si       1.371951108  -1.371951108  -1.371951108
Si       4.106172445  -1.394601414  -4.106172445
Si      -4.106172445   1.394601414  -4.106172445
Si      -1.371951108   1.371951108  -1.371951108
Si      -4.106172445   4.106172445  -1.394601414
Si      -1.394601414   4.106172445  -4.106172445
Si       1.353006268   1.353006268  -4.078035337
Si       4.078035337   1.353006268  -1.353006268
Si       1.353006268   4.078035337  -1.353006268
Si      -4.106172445  -4.106172445   1.394601414
Si      -1.394601414  -4.106172445   4.106172445
Si      -4.106172445  -1.394601414   4.106172445
Si      -1.371951108  -1.371951108   1.371951108
Si       1.353006268  -4.078035337   1.353006268
Si       1.353006268  -1.353006268   4.078035337
Si       4.078035337  -1.353006268   1.353006268
Si      -4.078035337   1.353006268   1.353006268
Si      -1.353006268   1.353006268   4.078035337
Si      -1.353006268   4.078035337   1.353006268
Si       1.371951108   1.371951108   1.371951108
Si       4.106172445   1.394601414   4.106172445
Si       1.394601414   4.106172445   4.106172445
Si       4.106172445   4.106172445   1.394601414
Si       0.015032168  -2.741887353  -2.741887353
Si      -2.741887353   0.015032168  -2.741887353
Si      -0.015032168   2.741887353  -2.741887353
Si       2.741887353  -0.015032168  -2.741887353
Si       0.000000000  -0.000000000  -5.439560132
Si      -2.741887353  -2.741887353   0.015032168
Si      -0.015032168  -2.741887353   2.741887353
Si       2.741887353  -2.741887353  -0.015032168
Si       0.000000000  -5.439560132   0.000000000
Si      -2.741887353  -0.015032168   2.741887353
Si      -2.741887353   2.741887353  -0.015032168
Si      -5.439560132   0.000000000  -0.000000000
Si       0.015032168   2.741887353   2.741887353
Si       2.741887353   0.015032168   2.741887353
Si       2.741887353   2.741887353   0.015032168
Si       0.000000000   0.000000000   0.000000000
Si       5.439560132   0.000000000   0.000000000
Si       0.000000000   5.439560132   0.000000000
Si       0.000000000  -0.000000000   5.439560132
Si       2.913474131  -5.461351014  -2.913474131
Si       2.913474131  -2.913474131  -5.461351014
Si       5.461351014  -2.913474131  -2.913474131
Si      -5.461351014   2.913474131  -2.913474131
Si      -2.913474131   2.913474131  -5.461351014
Si      -2.913474131   5.461351014  -2.913474131
Si      -5.461351014  -2.913474131   2.913474131
Si      -2.913474131  -5.461351014   2.913474131
Si       5.461351014   2.913474131   2.913474131
Si       2.913474131   5.461351014   2.913474131
Si      -2.913474131  -2.913474131   5.461351014
Si       2.913474131   2.913474131   5.461351014
H       -2.229460827  -4.944348207  -2.229460827
H       -4.944348207  -2.229460827  -2.229460827
H       -2.229460827  -2.229460827  -4.944348207
H        0.513123357  -4.974191147  -4.974191147
H        4.974191147  -4.974191147  -0.513123357
H        4.974191147  -0.513123357  -4.974191147
H       -4.974191147   0.513123357  -4.974191147
H       -4.974191147   4.974191147  -0.513123357
H       -0.513123357   4.974191147  -4.974191147
H        2.229460827   2.229460827  -4.944348207
H        4.944348207   2.229460827  -2.229460827
H        2.229460827   4.944348207  -2.229460827
H       -4.974191147  -4.974191147   0.513123357
H       -0.513123357  -4.974191147   4.974191147
H       -4.974191147  -0.513123357   4.974191147
H        2.229460827  -4.944348207   2.229460827
H        2.229460827  -2.229460827   4.944348207
H        4.944348207  -2.229460827   2.229460827
H       -4.944348207   2.229460827   2.229460827
H       -2.229460827   2.229460827   4.944348207
H       -2.229460827   4.944348207   2.229460827
H        4.974191147   0.513123357   4.974191147
H        0.513123357   4.974191147   4.974191147
H        4.974191147   4.974191147   0.513123357
H        0.852268509  -0.852268509  -6.335089647
H       -0.852268509   0.852268509  -6.335089647
H        0.852268509  -6.335089647  -0.852268509
H       -0.852268509  -6.335089647   0.852268509
H       -6.335089647   0.852268509  -0.852268509
H       -6.335089647  -0.852268509   0.852268509
H        6.335090647  -0.852268509  -0.852268509
H        6.335090647   0.852268509   0.852268509
H       -0.852268509   6.335090647  -0.852268509
H        0.852268509   6.335090647   0.852268509
H       -0.852268509  -0.852268509   6.335090647
H        0.852268509   0.852268509   6.335090647
H        2.285108452  -6.671456146  -2.285108452
H        3.921030744  -5.957399364  -3.921030744
H        3.921030744  -3.921030744  -5.957399364
H        2.285108452  -2.285108452  -6.671456146
H        5.957400364  -3.921030744  -3.921030744
H        6.671457146  -2.285108452  -2.285108452
H       -6.671456146   2.285108452  -2.285108452
H       -5.957399364   3.921030744  -3.921030744
H       -2.285108452   2.285108452  -6.671456146
H       -3.921030744   3.921030744  -5.957399364
H       -3.921030744   5.957400364  -3.921030744
H       -2.285108452   6.671457146  -2.285108452
H       -5.957399364  -3.921030744   3.921030744
H       -6.671456146  -2.285108452   2.285108452
H       -3.921030744  -5.957399364   3.921030744
H       -2.285108452  -6.671456146   2.285108452
H        6.671457146   2.285108452   2.285108452
H        5.957400364   3.921030744   3.921030744
H        2.285108452   6.671457146   2.285108452
H        3.921030744   5.957400364   3.921030744
H       -3.921030744  -3.921030744   5.957400364
H       -2.285108452  -2.285108452   6.671457146
H        2.285108452   2.285108452   6.671457146
H        3.921030744   3.921030744   5.957400364
End final coordinates



     freq (    1) =      -3.471336 [THz] =    -115.791313 [cm-1]
     freq (    2) =      -3.469726 [THz] =    -115.737617 [cm-1]
     freq (    3) =      -2.556276 [THz] =     -85.268187 [cm-1]
     freq (    4) =      -2.554618 [THz] =     -85.212899 [cm-1]
     freq (    5) =      -2.554529 [THz] =     -85.209909 [cm-1]
     freq (    6) =      -2.042467 [THz] =     -68.129354 [cm-1]
     freq (    7) =      -2.040393 [THz] =     -68.060182 [cm-1]
     freq (    8) =      -2.040381 [THz] =     -68.059778 [cm-1]
     freq (    9) =       0.396144 [THz] =      13.213941 [cm-1]
     freq (   10) =       0.397490 [THz] =      13.258835 [cm-1]
     freq (   11) =       0.398029 [THz] =      13.276805 [cm-1]



    IR activities are in (D/A)^2/amu units

# mode   [cm-1]    [THz]      IR
    1   -218.60   -6.5535    0.0000
    2   -218.60   -6.5535    0.0000
    3   -218.60   -6.5535    0.0000
    4   -205.42   -6.1583    0.0138
    5   -205.42   -6.1583    0.0138
    6   -205.42   -6.1583    0.0138
    7   -193.99   -5.8157    0.0000
    8   -193.99   -5.8157    0.0000
    9   -134.72   -4.0388    0.0499
   10   -134.72   -4.0388    0.0499
   11   -134.72   -4.0388    0.0499
   12    -77.44   -2.3217    0.0000
   13    -77.44   -2.3217    0.0000
   14    -76.18   -2.2838    0.0000
   15    -76.18   -2.2838    0.0000
   16    -76.18   -2.2838    0.0000
   17    -71.69   -2.1492    0.0201
   18    -71.69   -2.1492    0.0201
   19    -71.69   -2.1492    0.0201
   20    -58.72   -1.7604    0.0000
   21    -52.87   -1.5849    0.0000
   22    -45.50   -1.3642    0.0000
   23    -45.50   -1.3642    0.0000
   24    -45.50   -1.3642    0.0000
   25    -38.77   -1.1622    0.0000
   26    -38.77   -1.1622    0.0000
   27      2.10    0.0628    0.0103
   28      2.10    0.0628    0.0103
   29      2.10    0.0628    0.0103
   30     31.92    0.9568    0.0000

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