[Pw_forum] Error during linking pw.x with fftw3 (conflict with native fftw?)

Reinaldo Pis Diez reinaldo.pisdiez at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 19:17:45 CET 2015

Dear folks,

I'm a new QE user. I've searched the forum archives for similar 
problems but I was unable to find something useful to me.

I'm compiling QE 5.2.1 in a linux cluster running CentOS 6.6 (gcc 
and gfortran 4.4.7). I've already installed openmpi 1.6.5 and ATLAS 
3.8.2 with full Lapack 3.6.0. To improve performance, I've also 
installed fftw 3.3.4.

After a successful configure command with explicit BLAS_LIBS, 
LAPACK_LIBS and FFT_LIBS, compilation seems to be ok, too, but at 
linking time to create pw.x I got the message

usr/local/lib/libfftw3.a(apiplan.o): In function `fftw_destroy_plan':
apiplan.c:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `fftw_destroy_plan'
../../clib/clib.a(fft_stick.o):fft_stick.c:(.text+0x2ab20): first 
defined here

and ld stop with error. The same error is obtained both using ATLAS 
or the native BLAS/LAPACK provided with the package (without passing 
BLAS_LIBS and LAPACK_LIBS to configure), thus it seems that it is 
not related to the functions doing linear algebra.

It seems to me that the native fftw library provided with QE is in 
conflict with the fftw3 library as ld is using both 
/usr/local/lib/libfftw3.a and ../../clib/clib.a as can be seen above.

I must say that if I compile without fftw3, all is ok, even the 
linking process.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance,


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