[Pw_forum] plotting band structure by fixing fermi level at VBM

Sohail Ahmad sohailphysics at yahoo.co.in
Sat May 10 22:38:54 CEST 2014

Dear all 

I wish to plot band structure by fixing fermi level at valence band maxima

My plotband.in file is attached below, in which (5th line) -1.3003 refers fermi energy
My question is as follows
Will the output generated (ZrS2m.bands.xmgr) have EF at VBM automatically ? or 

I will have to subtract values (-1.3003/any other values) from the second column of output (ZrS2m.bands.dat)
if the seocnd option is correct, can anybody rectify the mistake in awk command mentioned below
awk '{print $1, $2-1.3003}' ZrS2m.bands.dat > bands-ef.dat

-15.0  7.0
1.00  -1.3003

Sohail AhmadKing Khalid University
Saudi Arabia
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