[Pw_forum] tefield and LSDA II

hanghui chen chenhanghuipwscf at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 03:26:41 CEST 2009

Dear PWSCF developers,
       I just want to follow my previous email. After reading the code more
carefully, I found in the subroutine input.f90 that if tefield = .true. and
nspin > 2, then we have the error message that "LSDA not available with
electric field". However, nspin > 2 or more precisely speaking nspin = 4
means non-collinear spin-polarized calculation. nspin = 2 is the standard
spin-polarized calculation with magnetization along z direction.
       My question is when tefield = .true., can I do spin-polarized
calculation with magnetization along z direction? The error message "LSDA
not available with electric field" seems a little bit confusing to me.
       Thank you very much.

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