[Pw_forum] MKL 10.2 not recognized by configure script / Xeon=amd64?

Carlo Nervi carlo.nervi at unito.it
Fri Oct 16 16:39:19 CEST 2009

I confirm that I was able to compile QE with intel ifort 11.1.056 and 
It added manually the libraries. Of course, you cannot use -lmkl_em64t, but:

BLAS_LIBS      = -lmkl_blas95_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 
-lmkl_intel_sequential -lmkl_core

LAPACK_LIBS    =  -lfftw3xf_intel -lmkl_lapack95_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 
-lmkl_intel_sequential -lmkl_core

hope this helps,

Carlo Nervi carlo.nervi at unito.it Tel:+39 011 6707507/8
Fax: +39 011 6707855   -   Dipartimento di Chimica IFM
via P. Giuria 7, 10125 Torino, Italy

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