[Pw_forum] Forces and finite electric fields (via Berry phase)

Sohrab Ismail-Beigi sohrab.ismail-beigi at yale.edu
Sat Dec 15 21:16:29 CET 2007

Dear users,

I've been experimenting with the addition of external electric fields  
via the Berry phase method with pw.x --- i.e. the type of electric  
field turned on by the input flag "lelfield" in conjunction with flags  
"lberry, gdir, nppstr, nberrcyc, efield".  After some hiccups  
(regarding k-point convergence and symmetry problems) and noticing  
that version 3.2.2 doesn't do this right (but the current CVS version  
apparently does), it seems that most of it works reasonably with one  

It seems that the atomic forces are missing the forces due to the  
external field --- a simple omission but one that causes the forces to  
be rather bizarre as written.  I've added a short fix to "forces.f90"  
inside the PW directory and I attach the modified forces.f90 file  
below.  But someone who knows more about the code should check that in  
fact this is not being done in duplicate (although after a careful  
perusing of the code, I don't see any other place the forces are added).

Has anyone else used this method successfully with pw.x and has some  
comments?  For example, it seems that the symmetries are handled a bit  
unusually when the field is turned on --- of course, with an external  
field, there are fewer symmetries but I'm not sure the ones it uses  
are the "right" ones (e.g. it generally reports only one symmetry  
[identity] in the output file but actually reduces the k-point set  
somewhat but not as much as when there is no field turned on).


Sohrab Ismail-Beigi
Associate Professor of Applied Physics and Physics
Dept. of Applied Physics
Yale University
P.O. Box 208284
New Haven, CT  06520
Phone: 203.432.2107
Fax: 203.432.4283
Email: sohrab.ismail-beigi at yale.edu
http://volga.eng.yale.edu/ - group home page
http://www.eng.yale.edu/aphy/ - dept. page w/ links
http://www.eng.yale.edu/graduate -- info about graduate studies in AP  
and brochures

P.S.  The forces.f90 file is attached below.  Note that this is based  
on what is in the CVS file --- corrections to espresso-3.2.2 are just  
the same with some minor changes to the "use" lines.  My corrections  
are identified by the "SIB".  There is also a debugging type "write"  
statement that should be removed for cleaner code...

! Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Quantum-ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
   ! ... This routine is a driver routine which computes the forces
   ! ... acting on the atoms. The complete expression of the forces
   ! ... contains four parts which are computed by different routines:
   ! ...  a)  force_lc,    local contribution to the forces
   ! ...  b)  force_cc,    contribution due to NLCC
   ! ...  c)  force_ew,    contribution due to the electrostatic ewald  
   ! ...  d)  force_us,    contribution due to the non-local potential
   ! ...  e)  force_corr,  correction term for incomplete self- 
   ! ...  f)  force_hub,   contribution due to the Hubbard term
   USE kinds,         ONLY : DP
   USE io_global,     ONLY : stdout
   USE cell_base,     ONLY : at, bg, alat, omega
   USE ions_base,     ONLY : nat, nsp, ityp, tau, zv, amass
   USE gvect,         ONLY : ngm, gstart, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2,  
nrx3, &
                             nrxx, ngl, nl, igtongl, g, gg, gcutm
   USE lsda_mod,      ONLY : nspin
   USE symme,         ONLY : s, nsym, irt
   USE vlocal,        ONLY : strf, vloc
   USE force_mod,     ONLY : force, lforce
   USE scf,           ONLY : rho
   USE ions_base,     ONLY : if_pos
   USE ldaU,          ONLY : lda_plus_u
   USE extfield,      ONLY : tefield, forcefield
   USE control_flags, ONLY : gamma_only, remove_rigid_rot, lbfgs

   ! SIB : added support for lelfield
   USE bp,               ONLY : lelfield, efield, gdir

   REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: forcenl(:,:), &
                            forcelc(:,:), &
                            forcecc(:,:), &
                            forceion(:,:), &
                            forcescc(:,:), &
     ! nonlocal, local, core-correction, ewald, scf correction terms,  
and hubbard
   REAL(DP) :: sumfor, sumscf, bnorm, bhat(3), flelfield
   INTEGER  :: ipol, na
     ! counter on polarization
     ! counter on atoms
   CALL start_clock( 'forces' )
   ALLOCATE( forcenl( 3, nat ), forcelc( 3, nat ), forcecc( 3, nat ), &
             forceh( 3, nat ), forceion( 3, nat ), forcescc( 3, nat ) )
   forcescc(:,:) = 0.D0
   forceh(:,:)   = 0.D0
   WRITE( stdout, '(/,5x,"Forces acting on atoms (Ry/au):", / )')
   ! ... The nonlocal contribution is computed here
   CALL force_us( forcenl )
   ! ... The local contribution
   CALL force_lc( nat, tau, ityp, alat, omega, ngm, ngl, igtongl, &
                  nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nrxx, g, rho%of_r,  
nl, &
                  nspin, gstart, gamma_only, vloc, forcelc )
   ! ... The NLCC contribution
   CALL force_cc( forcecc )
   ! ... The Hubbard contribution
   IF ( lda_plus_u ) CALL force_hub( forceh )
   ! ... The ionic contribution is computed here
   CALL force_ew( alat, nat, nsp, ityp, zv, at, bg, tau, omega, g, &
                  gg, ngm, gstart, gamma_only, gcutm, strf, forceion )
   ! ... The SCF contribution
   CALL force_corr( forcescc )
   ! ... here we sum all the contributions and compute the total force  
   ! ... on the crstal
   DO ipol = 1, 3
      sumfor = 0.D0
      DO na = 1, nat
         force(ipol,na) = forcenl(ipol,na)  + &
                          forceion(ipol,na) + &
                          forcelc(ipol,na)  + &
                          forcecc(ipol,na)  + &
                          forceh(ipol,na)   + &
         IF ( tefield ) force(ipol,na) = force(ipol,na) +  
         ! SIB : if lelfield is on, add force contribution on ions
         ! the 2.0 factor is because e^2=(electron charge)^2=2 in  
(Ryd,a0) units
         IF ( lelfield ) then
            bhat(:) = bg(:,gdir)
            bnorm = sqrt(dot_product(bhat(:),bhat(:)))
            bhat(:) = bhat(:)/bnorm
            flelfield = 2.0d0*zv(ityp(na))*efield*bhat(ipol)
            write( stdout , '(a,x,i1,3x,a,i5,3x,3(a,f13.9,3x))' ) &
                   'axis',ipol,'atom',na,'fprelel',force(ipol,na), &
            force(ipol,na) = force(ipol,na) + flelfield
         END IF
         sumfor = sumfor + force(ipol,na)
      END DO
      ! ... impose total force = 0
      DO na = 1, nat
         force(ipol,na) = force(ipol,na) - sumfor / DBLE( nat )
      END DO
   ! ... resymmetrize (should not be needed, but ...)
   IF ( nsym >= 1 ) THEN
      DO na = 1, nat
         CALL trnvect( force(1,na), at, bg, - 1 )
      END DO
      CALL symvect( nat, force, nsym, s, irt )
      DO na = 1, nat
         CALL trnvect( force(1,na), at, bg, 1 )
      END DO
   IF ( remove_rigid_rot ) &
      CALL remove_tot_torque( nat, tau, amass(ityp(:)), force  )
   ! ... write on output the forces
   DO na = 1, nat
      WRITE( stdout, 9035) na, ityp(na), force(:,na)
   ! ... forces on fixed coordinates are set to zero ( C.S. 15/10/2003 )
   force(:,:)    = force(:,:)    * DBLE( if_pos )
   forcescc(:,:) = forcescc(:,:) * DBLE( if_pos )
#if defined (DEBUG)
   WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"The non-local contrib.  to forces")')
   DO na = 1, nat
      WRITE( stdout, 9035) na, ityp(na), ( forcenl(ipol,na), ipol = 1,  
3 )
   WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"The ionic contribution  to forces")')
   DO na = 1, nat
      WRITE( stdout, 9035) na, ityp(na), ( forceion(ipol,na), ipol =  
1, 3 )
   WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"The local contribution  to forces")')
   DO na = 1, nat
      WRITE( stdout, 9035) na, ityp(na), ( forcelc(ipol,na), ipol = 1,  
3 )
   WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"The Hubbard contrib.    to forces")')
   DO na = 1, nat
      WRITE( stdout, 9035) na, ityp(na), ( forceh(ipol,na), ipol = 1,  
3 )
   WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"The SCF correction term to forces")')
   DO na = 1, nat
      WRITE( stdout, 9035) na, ityp(na), ( forcescc(ipol,na), ipol =  
1, 3 )
   sumfor = 0.D0
   sumscf = 0.D0
   DO na = 1, nat
      sumfor = sumfor + &
               force(1,na)**2 + force(2,na)**2 + force(3,na)**2
      sumscf = sumscf + &
               forcescc(1,na)**2 + forcescc(2,na)**2+ forcescc(3,na)**2
   sumfor = SQRT( sumfor )
   sumscf = SQRT( sumscf )

   WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Total force = ",F12.6,5X, &
               &  "Total SCF correction = ",F12.6)') sumfor, sumscf
   DEALLOCATE( forcenl, forcelc, forcecc, forceh, forceion, forcescc )
   lforce = .TRUE.
   CALL stop_clock( 'forces' )
   IF ( lbfgs .AND. ( sumfor < 10.D0*sumscf ) ) &
   WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"SCF correction compared to forces is too large,  
reduce conv_thr")')
!     CALL errore( 'forces', 'scf correction on ' // &
!                & 'the force is too large: reduce conv_thr', 1 )
9035 FORMAT(5X,'atom ',I3,' type ',I2,'   force = ',3F14.8)

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