[Pw_forum] which file is a must for continueing ph.x run if time_max is reached?

Konstantin Kudin konstantin_kudin at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 13 18:32:08 CET 2006

--- Paolo Giannozzi <giannozz at nest.sns.it> wrote:
> practical or unpractical, there is no other way to restart the phonon
> code. The problem is that it is impossible to distribute processes 
> across different processors in a predictable way, so the only safe 
> and simple solution is to have all files accessible from all
> processes.

 Actually, suppose the job is restarted on the same nodes as before,
but the process ordering got screwed up. Would it be possible to do
something like this:

 -upon a restart probe for the existence of the restartable files (the
names are generally known!) on each node, and make a list of what is

 -figure out if each process can see some unique file, and create a
1-to-1 mapping from process numbers to file numbers

 -then upon read/write simply remap the sequential file numbers into
the other ordering


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