[Pw_forum] help: usage gga
Paolo Giannozzi
giannozz at nest.sns.it
Thu Mar 11 12:58:10 CET 2004
On Thursday 11 March 2004 12:42, Eyvaz Isaev wrote:
> If you mean the PWSCF output file, please find a line
> containing "Exchange-coorelation".
I would rather try with "Exchange-correlation" instead :-)
This is what the various terms mean:
c "sla" Slater Exchange
c "nox" No Exchange
c "noc" No Correlation
c "pz" Perdew-Zunger correlation
c "gl" Gunnarson-Lunqvist correlation
c "hl" Hedin-Lunqvist correlation
c "pw" Perdew-Wang correlation
c "vwn" Vosko-Wilk-Nusair correlation
c "wig" Wigner correlation
c "lyp" Lee-Yang-Parr correlation
c "obz" Ortiz-Ballone form for Perdew-Zunger corr.
c "obw" Ortiz-Ballone form for Perdew-Wang corr.
c "nogx" No Gradient Correction on exchange
c "nogc" No Gradient Correction on correlation
c "b88" Becke88 grad-corr exchange (beta=0.0042)
c "p86" Perdew86 grad-corr correlation
c "bp" Becke88 + Perdew86
c "pw91" Perdew-Wang 91 GGA
c "blyp" Becke88 + Lee-Yang-Parr
c "pbe" Improved GGA by Perdew-Burke-Erzenhof
Paolo Giannozzi e-mail: giannozz at nest.sns.it
Scuola Normale Superiore Phone: +39/050-509876, Fax:-563513
Piazza dei Cavalieri 7 I-56126 Pisa, Italy
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