[Thermo_pw-forum] Restart interrupted run of phonon

Thu Jan 21 13:49:08 CET 2021

Dear Andea,
Thanks a lot for your response. I have restarted the job before i read your message, with adding the command electron_maxstep=300 in the &electrons namelist, however it gives me the error message as displayed down. i want to reduce the alpha_mix down to 0.2 and recalculate,? is it the right choice?  do you have a better suggestion?
thank you in advance.

  recover = .true.
  nq1=4, nq2=4, nq3=1,

 Atomic displacements:
     There are  72 irreducible representations

     Representation     1      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation     2      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation     3      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation     4      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation     5      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation     6      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation     7      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation     8      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation     9      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    10      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    11      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    12      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    13      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    14      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    15      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    16      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    17      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    18      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    19      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    20      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    21      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    22      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    23      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    24      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    25      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    26      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    27      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    28      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    29      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    30      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    31      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    32      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    33      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    34      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    35      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    36      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    37      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    38      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    39      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    40      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    41      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    42      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    43      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    44      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    45      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    46      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    47      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    48      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    49      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    50      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    51      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    52      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    53      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    54      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    55      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    56      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    57      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    58      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    59      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    60      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    61      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    62      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    63      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    64      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    65      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    66      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    67      1 modes -A  To be done

     Representation    68      1 modes -A  To be done

     Representation    69      1 modes -A  To be done

     Representation    70      1 modes -A  To be done

     Representation    71      1 modes -A  To be done

     Representation    72      1 modes -A  To be done

     Compute atoms:     2,   11,   14,   22,   23,   24,

     PHONON       :   2514.07s CPU   3313.14s WALL (       1 calls)

     Representation # 67 mode #  67

     Self-consistent Calculation

      iter # 101 total cpu time :  7218.6 secs   av.it.:  91.7
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  7.446E+44

      iter # 102 total cpu time : 10873.0 secs   av.it.:  92.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  8.993E+44

      iter # 103 total cpu time : 14563.4 secs   av.it.:  93.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  7.260E+45

      iter # 104 total cpu time : 18435.3 secs   av.it.:  93.6
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  8.248E+45

      iter # 105 total cpu time : 22267.9 secs   av.it.:  96.6
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  7.715E+47

      iter # 106 total cpu time : 26204.2 secs   av.it.:  96.9
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  6.945E+47

      iter # 107 total cpu time : 30184.7 secs   av.it.:  97.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.455E+48

      iter # 108 total cpu time : 34141.7 secs   av.it.:  98.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.260E+49

      iter # 109 total cpu time : 38034.7 secs   av.it.:  99.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.752E+49

      iter # 110 total cpu time : 42161.7 secs   av.it.: 102.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.112E+51

      iter # 111 total cpu time : 46253.9 secs   av.it.: 102.5
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  6.394E+50

      iter # 112 total cpu time : 50373.5 secs   av.it.: 103.0
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  3.036E+51

      iter # 113 total cpu time : 54495.5 secs   av.it.: 104.3
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.464E+52

      iter # 114 total cpu time : 58833.1 secs   av.it.: 104.9
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  3.948E+52

      iter # 115 total cpu time : 63056.4 secs   av.it.: 107.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.358E+54

      iter # 116 total cpu time : 67321.6 secs   av.it.: 107.4
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  6.357E+53

      iter # 117 total cpu time : 71604.7 secs   av.it.: 108.4
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  8.022E+54

      iter # 118 total cpu time : 76010.2 secs   av.it.: 109.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  5.062E+55

      iter # 119 total cpu time : 80363.5 secs   av.it.: 110.4
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  8.823E+55

      iter # 120 total cpu time : 84790.0 secs   av.it.: 112.3
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.477E+57

      iter # 121 total cpu time : 89342.4 secs   av.it.: 112.4
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  6.910E+56

      iter # 122 total cpu time : 93910.0 secs   av.it.: 114.4
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.367E+58

      iter # 123 total cpu time : 98406.7 secs   av.it.: 115.4
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  9.673E+58

      iter # 124 total cpu time :103039.1 secs   av.it.: 116.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.845E+59

      iter # 125 total cpu time :107761.3 secs   av.it.: 117.4
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.521E+60

      iter # 126 total cpu time :112413.9 secs   av.it.: 117.6
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  8.099E+59

      iter # 127 total cpu time :117147.9 secs   av.it.: 119.9
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  6.728E+61

      iter # 128 total cpu time :121866.1 secs   av.it.: 120.6
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.601E+62

      iter # 129 total cpu time :126640.6 secs   av.it.: 121.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  3.248E+62

      iter # 130 total cpu time :131416.0 secs   av.it.: 122.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.582E+63

      iter # 131 total cpu time :136191.3 secs   av.it.: 122.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.043E+63

      iter # 132 total cpu time :141215.5 secs   av.it.: 125.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.612E+65

      iter # 133 total cpu time :146114.4 secs   av.it.: 126.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.102E+65

      iter # 134 total cpu time :151203.3 secs   av.it.: 126.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  4.859E+65

      iter # 135 total cpu time :156301.5 secs   av.it.: 127.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.686E+66

      iter # 136 total cpu time :161433.2 secs   av.it.: 127.5
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.612E+66

      iter # 137 total cpu time :166785.8 secs   av.it.: 130.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.848E+68

      iter # 138 total cpu time :172003.6 secs   av.it.: 130.9
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.224E+68

      iter # 139 total cpu time :177116.9 secs   av.it.: 131.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  7.276E+68

      iter # 140 total cpu time :182331.8 secs   av.it.: 132.4
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.012E+69

      iter # 141 total cpu time :187526.6 secs   av.it.: 132.9
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  3.208E+69
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.905E-02

      iter # 142 total cpu time :192771.0 secs   av.it.: 135.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  3.837E+71
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.740E-02

      iter # 143 total cpu time :198069.5 secs   av.it.: 136.0
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.128E+71
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.387E-02

      iter # 144 total cpu time :203504.5 secs   av.it.: 136.5
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.253E+72
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.523E-02

      iter # 145 total cpu time :208922.3 secs   av.it.: 137.0
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  3.071E+72
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.290E-01

      iter # 146 total cpu time :214365.4 secs   av.it.: 138.0
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  7.777E+72
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  3.450E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.246E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.515E-03

      iter # 147 total cpu time :219896.1 secs   av.it.: 140.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  4.617E+74
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  3.659E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.055E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.981E-03

      iter # 148 total cpu time :225512.4 secs   av.it.: 140.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.978E+74
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.218E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.859E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.085E-02

      iter # 149 total cpu time :231112.7 secs   av.it.: 141.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.607E+75
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.497E-01
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.223E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  3.510E-02

      iter # 150 total cpu time :236712.7 secs   av.it.: 142.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  5.724E+75
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.654E-01
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.674E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.327E-02

      iter # 151 total cpu time :242184.8 secs   av.it.: 142.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.064E+76
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.447E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.681E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.701E-02

      iter # 152 total cpu time :247819.1 secs   av.it.: 144.4
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  4.927E+77
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.675E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.969E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.054E-02

      iter # 153 total cpu time :253530.4 secs   av.it.: 144.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.907E+77
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.325E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.415E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.703E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.237E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.570E-02

      iter # 154 total cpu time :259189.4 secs   av.it.: 146.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  6.114E+78
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.025E-03
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.120E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.107E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.488E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  3.468E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.868E-03

      iter # 155 total cpu time :264908.8 secs   av.it.: 146.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.123E+79
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.333E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.537E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.084E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.383E-02
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.053E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.729E-02

      iter # 156 total cpu time :270668.7 secs   av.it.: 147.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  5.367E+79
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.741E-03
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.315E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.273E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.286E-02
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.453E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  3.988E-02

      iter # 157 total cpu time :276391.1 secs   av.it.: 148.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  4.609E+80
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.778E-01
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.867E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.442E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.341E-02
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.295E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.568E-02

      iter # 158 total cpu time :282093.1 secs   av.it.: 148.7
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.949E+80
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.723E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.787E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.638E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.980E-02
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.478E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.865E-01

      iter # 159 total cpu time :287762.1 secs   av.it.: 150.5
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.442E+82
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.158E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.017E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.416E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.288E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.563E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.504E-03

      iter # 160 total cpu time :293583.3 secs   av.it.: 151.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.046E+82
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.076E-03
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.771E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.937E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.780E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.329E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.566E-03
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.615E-02

      iter # 161 total cpu time :299486.9 secs   av.it.: 152.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.204E+83
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.862E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.068E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.390E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.518E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.141E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.742E-03

      iter # 162 total cpu time :305292.5 secs   av.it.: 152.7
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  3.866E+83
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.222E-02
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.493E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.520E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.274E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.915E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.094E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.225E-03

      iter # 163 total cpu time :311153.6 secs   av.it.: 152.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.161E+83
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.898E-02
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.594E-03
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.303E-03
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.679E-01
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.031E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.303E-02
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.639E-01
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.119E-02

      iter # 164 total cpu time :317112.6 secs   av.it.: 155.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.971E+85
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.195E-02
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.089E-03
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.068E-02
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.202E-03
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.070E-03
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.405E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.984E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.227E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.128E-03
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.995E-03

      iter # 165 total cpu time :323107.7 secs   av.it.: 155.5
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  3.290E+85
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.953E-02
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.013E-03
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.680E-03
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.581E-02
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.049E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.558E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.581E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.428E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.257E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.154E-02

      iter # 166 total cpu time :329108.2 secs   av.it.: 156.3
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.040E+86
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.580E-03
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.580E-03
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.234E-03
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.899E-02
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  3.934E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.944E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.359E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.625E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.626E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.719E-03

      iter # 167 total cpu time :335118.1 secs   av.it.: 157.0
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.881E+86
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.985E-03
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.260E-02
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.091E-03
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.043E-02
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.330E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.885E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.782E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.245E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.465E-03
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.915E-03

      iter # 168 total cpu time :341175.3 secs   av.it.: 157.0
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.974E+86
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.898E-02
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.636E-03
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.514E-02
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.706E-03
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.898E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.258E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.014E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.637E-02
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.830E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.043E-02
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.112E-02

      iter # 169 total cpu time :347462.1 secs   av.it.: 159.9
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  5.141E+88
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.220E-01
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.972E-03
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.495E-02
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.824E-03
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.492E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.434E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.343E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.024E-02
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.566E-03
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.897E-02
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.848E-02

      iter # 170 total cpu time :353656.9 secs   av.it.: 160.0
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  4.352E+88
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.235E-01
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.560E-02
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.358E-02
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.809E-03
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.070E-03
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.867E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.246E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.368E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.817E-03
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.536E-02
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.435E-02

      iter # 171 total cpu time :359716.0 secs   av.it.: 160.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.490E+89
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.043E-03
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.630E-02
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.526E-03
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.541E-03
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.282E-03
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.220E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.612E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.181E-02
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.183E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.823E-02
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.986E-03

      iter # 172 total cpu time :365893.6 secs   av.it.: 161.0
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.497E+89
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.038E-02
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.111E-03
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.335E-02
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.113E-02
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.275E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.374E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.154E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.402E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.641E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.575E-02
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.011E-03

      iter # 173 total cpu time :372077.2 secs   av.it.: 161.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  5.867E+89
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.645E-03
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.079E-02
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.165E-03
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.349E-02
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.602E-03
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.128E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.338E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.187E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.110E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.783E-03
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.470E-02

      iter # 174 total cpu time :378514.1 secs   av.it.: 163.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  7.699E+91
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.520E-03
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.027E-02
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.514E-03
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.391E-03
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.279E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.195E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.120E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.917E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.289E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.170E-03
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.664E-02

      iter # 175 total cpu time :384791.2 secs   av.it.: 164.0
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  4.368E+91
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.091E-03
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.165E-01
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.993E-03
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.013E-02
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.971E-03
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.789E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.630E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.803E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.496E-03
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.196E-03
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.072E-03

      iter # 176 total cpu time :391155.7 secs   av.it.: 164.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.959E+92
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.461E-02
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.233E-03
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.510E-02
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.652E-02
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.127E-03
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.175E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.692E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.347E-02
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.957E-03
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.155E-03
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.298E-03

      iter # 177 total cpu time :397545.6 secs   av.it.: 165.0
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.966E+92
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.036E-03
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.127E-03
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.295E-03
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.490E-02
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.461E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.985E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.786E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.112E-02
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.103E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  3.870E-03
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.058E-02

      iter # 178 total cpu time :403882.7 secs   av.it.: 165.7
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.625E+93
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.107E-02
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.615E-03
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.300E-03
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.255E-03
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.321E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.247E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.644E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.302E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.779E-03
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.536E-03
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  3.356E-02

      iter # 179 total cpu time :410212.4 secs   av.it.: 167.9
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  9.204E+94
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.460E-02
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.182E-02
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.103E-03
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.966E-03
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  3.367E-02
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