[Thermo_pw-forum] Restart interrupted run of phonon

BENYAHIA NEZHA benyahia-nezha at hotmail.fr
Wed Jan 20 12:58:24 CET 2021

Envoyé : vendredi 15 janvier 2021 15:30
À : thermo_pw-forum at lists.quantum-espresso.org
Objet : Restart interrupted run of phonon

Dear thermo-pw users,
I have calculated the phonons of a supercell, everything was ok, it has generated 3 dyn from 4 dyn. However, the calculation stopped at the representation 66 of the dyn4 without any error.  I restarted the interrupted run (the recover= .true. was already set in the input of ph.x), it begin the calculation from representation 66, the convergence has been achieved, however athe representation 67 it generate the message saying that the convergence is not achieved. i dont want to restart the calculation from scratch, i want only to do the calculation only for dyn4. is there any command to add to do that. please help me.

Thank you very much in advance for your time.

Sincerely yours

Dear Andea,
Thanks a lot for your response. I have restarted the job before i read your message, with adding the command electron_maxstep=300 in the &electrons namelist, however it gives me the error message as displayed down. i want to reduce the alpha_mix down to 0.2 and recalculate,? is it the right choice?  do you have a better suggestion?
thank you in advance.

  recover = .true.
  nq1=4, nq2=4, nq3=1,

 Atomic displacements:
     There are  72 irreducible representations

     Representation     1      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation     2      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation     3      1 modes -A  Done

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     Representation    19      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    20      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    21      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    22      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    23      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    24      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    25      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    26      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    27      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    28      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    29      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    30      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    31      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    32      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    33      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    34      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    35      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    36      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    37      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    38      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    39      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    40      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    41      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    42      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    43      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    44      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    45      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    46      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    47      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    48      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    49      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    50      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    51      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    52      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    53      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    54      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    55      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    56      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    57      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    58      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    59      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    60      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    61      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    62      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    63      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    64      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    65      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    66      1 modes -A  Done

     Representation    67      1 modes -A  To be done

     Representation    68      1 modes -A  To be done

     Representation    69      1 modes -A  To be done

     Representation    70      1 modes -A  To be done

     Representation    71      1 modes -A  To be done

     Representation    72      1 modes -A  To be done

     Compute atoms:     2,   11,   14,   22,   23,   24,

     PHONON       :   2514.07s CPU   3313.14s WALL (       1 calls)

     Representation # 67 mode #  67

     Self-consistent Calculation

      iter # 101 total cpu time :  7218.6 secs   av.it.:  91.7
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  7.446E+44

      iter # 102 total cpu time : 10873.0 secs   av.it.:  92.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  8.993E+44

      iter # 103 total cpu time : 14563.4 secs   av.it.:  93.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  7.260E+45

      iter # 104 total cpu time : 18435.3 secs   av.it.:  93.6
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  8.248E+45

      iter # 105 total cpu time : 22267.9 secs   av.it.:  96.6
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  7.715E+47

      iter # 106 total cpu time : 26204.2 secs   av.it.:  96.9
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  6.945E+47

      iter # 107 total cpu time : 30184.7 secs   av.it.:  97.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.455E+48

      iter # 108 total cpu time : 34141.7 secs   av.it.:  98.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.260E+49

      iter # 109 total cpu time : 38034.7 secs   av.it.:  99.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.752E+49

      iter # 110 total cpu time : 42161.7 secs   av.it.: 102.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.112E+51

      iter # 111 total cpu time : 46253.9 secs   av.it.: 102.5
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  6.394E+50

      iter # 112 total cpu time : 50373.5 secs   av.it.: 103.0
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  3.036E+51

      iter # 113 total cpu time : 54495.5 secs   av.it.: 104.3
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.464E+52

      iter # 114 total cpu time : 58833.1 secs   av.it.: 104.9
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  3.948E+52

      iter # 115 total cpu time : 63056.4 secs   av.it.: 107.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.358E+54

      iter # 116 total cpu time : 67321.6 secs   av.it.: 107.4
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  6.357E+53

      iter # 117 total cpu time : 71604.7 secs   av.it.: 108.4
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  8.022E+54

      iter # 118 total cpu time : 76010.2 secs   av.it.: 109.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  5.062E+55

      iter # 119 total cpu time : 80363.5 secs   av.it.: 110.4
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  8.823E+55

      iter # 120 total cpu time : 84790.0 secs   av.it.: 112.3
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.477E+57

      iter # 121 total cpu time : 89342.4 secs   av.it.: 112.4
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  6.910E+56

      iter # 122 total cpu time : 93910.0 secs   av.it.: 114.4
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.367E+58

      iter # 123 total cpu time : 98406.7 secs   av.it.: 115.4
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  9.673E+58

      iter # 124 total cpu time :103039.1 secs   av.it.: 116.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.845E+59

      iter # 125 total cpu time :107761.3 secs   av.it.: 117.4
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.521E+60

      iter # 126 total cpu time :112413.9 secs   av.it.: 117.6
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  8.099E+59

      iter # 127 total cpu time :117147.9 secs   av.it.: 119.9
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  6.728E+61

      iter # 128 total cpu time :121866.1 secs   av.it.: 120.6
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.601E+62

      iter # 129 total cpu time :126640.6 secs   av.it.: 121.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  3.248E+62

      iter # 130 total cpu time :131416.0 secs   av.it.: 122.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.582E+63

      iter # 131 total cpu time :136191.3 secs   av.it.: 122.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.043E+63

      iter # 132 total cpu time :141215.5 secs   av.it.: 125.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.612E+65

      iter # 133 total cpu time :146114.4 secs   av.it.: 126.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.102E+65

      iter # 134 total cpu time :151203.3 secs   av.it.: 126.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  4.859E+65

      iter # 135 total cpu time :156301.5 secs   av.it.: 127.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.686E+66

      iter # 136 total cpu time :161433.2 secs   av.it.: 127.5
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.612E+66

      iter # 137 total cpu time :166785.8 secs   av.it.: 130.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.848E+68

      iter # 138 total cpu time :172003.6 secs   av.it.: 130.9
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.224E+68

      iter # 139 total cpu time :177116.9 secs   av.it.: 131.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  7.276E+68

      iter # 140 total cpu time :182331.8 secs   av.it.: 132.4
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.012E+69

      iter # 141 total cpu time :187526.6 secs   av.it.: 132.9
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  3.208E+69
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.905E-02

      iter # 142 total cpu time :192771.0 secs   av.it.: 135.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  3.837E+71
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.740E-02

      iter # 143 total cpu time :198069.5 secs   av.it.: 136.0
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.128E+71
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.387E-02

      iter # 144 total cpu time :203504.5 secs   av.it.: 136.5
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.253E+72
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.523E-02

      iter # 145 total cpu time :208922.3 secs   av.it.: 137.0
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  3.071E+72
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.290E-01

      iter # 146 total cpu time :214365.4 secs   av.it.: 138.0
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  7.777E+72
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  3.450E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.246E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.515E-03

      iter # 147 total cpu time :219896.1 secs   av.it.: 140.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  4.617E+74
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  3.659E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.055E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.981E-03

      iter # 148 total cpu time :225512.4 secs   av.it.: 140.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.978E+74
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.218E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.859E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.085E-02

      iter # 149 total cpu time :231112.7 secs   av.it.: 141.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.607E+75
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.497E-01
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.223E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  3.510E-02

      iter # 150 total cpu time :236712.7 secs   av.it.: 142.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  5.724E+75
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.654E-01
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.674E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.327E-02

      iter # 151 total cpu time :242184.8 secs   av.it.: 142.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.064E+76
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.447E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.681E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.701E-02

      iter # 152 total cpu time :247819.1 secs   av.it.: 144.4
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  4.927E+77
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.675E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.969E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.054E-02

      iter # 153 total cpu time :253530.4 secs   av.it.: 144.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.907E+77
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.325E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.415E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.703E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.237E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.570E-02

      iter # 154 total cpu time :259189.4 secs   av.it.: 146.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  6.114E+78
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.025E-03
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.120E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.107E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.488E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  3.468E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.868E-03

      iter # 155 total cpu time :264908.8 secs   av.it.: 146.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.123E+79
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.333E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.537E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.084E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.383E-02
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.053E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.729E-02

      iter # 156 total cpu time :270668.7 secs   av.it.: 147.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  5.367E+79
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.741E-03
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.315E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.273E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.286E-02
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.453E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  3.988E-02

      iter # 157 total cpu time :276391.1 secs   av.it.: 148.2
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  4.609E+80
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.778E-01
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.867E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.442E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.341E-02
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.295E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.568E-02

      iter # 158 total cpu time :282093.1 secs   av.it.: 148.7
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.949E+80
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.723E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.787E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.638E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.980E-02
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.478E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.865E-01

      iter # 159 total cpu time :287762.1 secs   av.it.: 150.5
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.442E+82
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.158E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.017E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.416E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.288E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.563E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.504E-03

      iter # 160 total cpu time :293583.3 secs   av.it.: 151.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.046E+82
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.076E-03
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.771E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.937E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.780E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.329E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.566E-03
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.615E-02

      iter # 161 total cpu time :299486.9 secs   av.it.: 152.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.204E+83
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.862E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.068E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.390E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.518E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.141E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.742E-03

      iter # 162 total cpu time :305292.5 secs   av.it.: 152.7
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  3.866E+83
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.222E-02
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.493E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.520E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.274E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.915E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.094E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.225E-03

      iter # 163 total cpu time :311153.6 secs   av.it.: 152.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.161E+83
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.898E-02
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.594E-03
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.303E-03
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.679E-01
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.031E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.303E-02
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.639E-01
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.119E-02

      iter # 164 total cpu time :317112.6 secs   av.it.: 155.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.971E+85
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.195E-02
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.089E-03
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.068E-02
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.202E-03
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.070E-03
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.405E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.984E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.227E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.128E-03
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.995E-03

      iter # 165 total cpu time :323107.7 secs   av.it.: 155.5
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  3.290E+85
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.953E-02
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.013E-03
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.680E-03
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.581E-02
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.049E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.558E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.581E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.428E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.257E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.154E-02

      iter # 166 total cpu time :329108.2 secs   av.it.: 156.3
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.040E+86
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.580E-03
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.580E-03
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.234E-03
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.899E-02
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  3.934E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.944E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.359E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.625E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.626E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.719E-03

      iter # 167 total cpu time :335118.1 secs   av.it.: 157.0
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.881E+86
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.985E-03
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.260E-02
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.091E-03
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.043E-02
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.330E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.885E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.782E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.245E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.465E-03
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.915E-03

      iter # 168 total cpu time :341175.3 secs   av.it.: 157.0
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.974E+86
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.898E-02
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.636E-03
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.514E-02
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.706E-03
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.898E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.258E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.014E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.637E-02
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.830E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.043E-02
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.112E-02

      iter # 169 total cpu time :347462.1 secs   av.it.: 159.9
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  5.141E+88
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.220E-01
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.972E-03
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.495E-02
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.824E-03
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.492E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.434E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.343E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.024E-02
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.566E-03
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.897E-02
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.848E-02

      iter # 170 total cpu time :353656.9 secs   av.it.: 160.0
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  4.352E+88
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.235E-01
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.560E-02
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.358E-02
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.809E-03
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.070E-03
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.867E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.246E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.368E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.817E-03
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.536E-02
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.435E-02

      iter # 171 total cpu time :359716.0 secs   av.it.: 160.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.490E+89
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.043E-03
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.630E-02
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.526E-03
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.541E-03
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.282E-03
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.220E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.612E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.181E-02
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.183E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.823E-02
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.986E-03

      iter # 172 total cpu time :365893.6 secs   av.it.: 161.0
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.497E+89
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.038E-02
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.111E-03
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.335E-02
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.113E-02
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.275E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.374E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.154E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.402E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.641E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.575E-02
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.011E-03

      iter # 173 total cpu time :372077.2 secs   av.it.: 161.1
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  5.867E+89
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.645E-03
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.079E-02
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.165E-03
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.349E-02
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.602E-03
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.128E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.338E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.187E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.110E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.783E-03
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.470E-02

      iter # 174 total cpu time :378514.1 secs   av.it.: 163.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  7.699E+91
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.520E-03
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.027E-02
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.514E-03
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.391E-03
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.279E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.195E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.120E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.917E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.289E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.170E-03
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.664E-02

      iter # 175 total cpu time :384791.2 secs   av.it.: 164.0
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  4.368E+91
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.091E-03
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.165E-01
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.993E-03
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.013E-02
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.971E-03
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.789E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  8.630E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.803E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.496E-03
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.196E-03
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.072E-03

      iter # 176 total cpu time :391155.7 secs   av.it.: 164.8
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.959E+92
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.461E-02
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.233E-03
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.510E-02
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.652E-02
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.127E-03
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.175E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.692E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.347E-02
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  7.957E-03
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.155E-03
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.298E-03

      iter # 177 total cpu time :397545.6 secs   av.it.: 165.0
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  2.966E+92
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.036E-03
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.127E-03
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.295E-03
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.490E-02
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.461E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.985E-02
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.786E-02
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.112E-02
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  2.103E-02
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  3.870E-03
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.058E-02

      iter # 178 total cpu time :403882.7 secs   av.it.: 165.7
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  1.625E+93
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.107E-02
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.615E-03
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.300E-03
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.255E-03
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.321E-02
     kpoint   7 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.247E-03
     kpoint   8 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  5.644E-03
     kpoint   9 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.302E-03
     kpoint  10 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.779E-03
     kpoint  11 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  6.536E-03
     kpoint  12 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  3.356E-02

      iter # 179 total cpu time :410212.4 secs   av.it.: 167.9
      thresh= 1.000E-02 alpha_mix =  0.200 |ddv_scf|^2 =  9.204E+94
     kpoint   1 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.460E-02
     kpoint   2 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  1.182E-02
     kpoint   3 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  9.103E-03
     kpoint   4 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  4.966E-03
     kpoint   6 ibnd 109 solve_linter: root not converged  3.367E-02

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