[Thermo_pw-forum] Asking about an thermo_px error

El-abed Haidar ehai2584 at uni.sydney.edu.au
Tue Aug 18 09:56:07 CEST 2020

Good evening,
This is my first QE question and I tried to look it up in the mail but I could not find it.
I was testing example 12 of thermo.px to find the k path of silicon. The test was successful but I got the following warning:
sh: asy: command not found
line 0: warning: iconv failed to convert degree sign
"gnuplot.tmp_xrdp", line 1: warning: iconv failed to convert degree sign

I am not sure what it meant. Could anyone kindly let me know ?
Thank you and looking forward to your reply.

El-abed Haidar | Doctor of Philosophy (Science)
 Condensed Matter Theory (CMT) Group| School of Physics

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