[QE-developers] R: Gitlab merge request

Laurent Pizzagalli laurent.pizzagalli at univ-poitiers.fr
Mon Aug 8 09:31:09 CEST 2022

Dear Pietro,

thank you for your email and your help. Then it seems that I got it 
right for my merge request.
Can you please tell me if there is anything else I should do (or just 
wait for the merge request to be examined) ?
How will I know when the merge request has been processed?

Best regards


    Hello Laurent

    it's not necessary to use shared runners to participate in the development of QE.
      It would be useful, but it has already happened that we were unable to read pipelines that were running on other forks.

    we usually don't provide names for assignees or reviewers.
    You can do that,  but as people may be busy, it may be better if you first check offline with
    the people you want to involve.

    best regards

    Da: developers <developers-bounces at lists.quantum-espresso.org  <https://lists.quantum-espresso.org/mailman/listinfo/developers>> per conto di Laurent Pizzagalli <laurent.pizzagalli at univ-poitiers.fr  <https://lists.quantum-espresso.org/mailman/listinfo/developers>>
    Inviato: martedì 2 agosto 2022 11:51
    A:developers at lists.quantum-espresso.org  <https://lists.quantum-espresso.org/mailman/listinfo/developers>  <developers at lists.quantum-espresso.org  <https://lists.quantum-espresso.org/mailman/listinfo/developers>>
    Oggetto: [QE-developers] Gitlab merge request

    Dear colleagues,

    I made a few additions to quantum espresso, according to the procedure
    described in the Developer's manual (i.e. making a fork of the develop
    version on GitLab, cloning this fork locally, and working on a new branch).
    I push my changes to gitlab and next created a merge request for my branch.
    However, in both cases, I got messages from gitlab telling me that I
    should validate my account to use 'shared runners'?

    I am not an expert of git, and even less of gitlab, then I am a bit
    unsure of the status of my merge request.
    My questions are :
    - Is it really needed to use 'shared runners' to participate in the
    development of QE ?
    - Should I provide specific names for assignee and reviewer in the merge
    request ?

    Thank you

    Best regards


                                                        ,,,     __,
                                                       /'^'\   |__|
                                                      ( o o )  |
<Laurent.Pizzagalli at univ-poitiers.fr>
http://laurent.pizzagalli.free.fr/             Tel +33 549 49 74 99
------------------------------------------    Fax +33 549 49 66 92
Institut P'
Departement de Physique et de Mécanique des Matériaux
Université de Poitiers
TSA 41123                                          .oooO
86073 Poitiers Cedex 9, FRANCE                     (   )   Oooo.
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