[Q-e-developers] Problem Report on PWgui library "init.tcl" in Guib engine

yuta.yoshikawa+tsme.me.es yuta.yoshikawa at tsme.me.es.osaka-u.ac.jp
Sat Jul 8 03:32:03 CEST 2017

Dear developers,

I would like to pay your attention to the problem I faced
when I tried to run PWgui-5.4.0 in fedora24(64 bit) OS.
I am not sure where I should report
but I wanted to share the solution for this following problem.

When I hit "./pwgui" with PWgui-5.4.0 folder,
I got the error meassage as shown below.

ERROR MESSAGE=================================================
$ ./pwgui
   This is PWgui version: 5.4.0
  PWgui: using the system default "tclsh" interpreter

  PWGUI       : /home/usr/PWgui-5.4.0
  GUIB engine : /home/usr/PWgui-5.4.0/lib/Guib-0.5.1
can't find package Itk
     while executing
"package require Itk      "
     (file "/home/usr/PWgui-5.4.0/lib/Guib-0.5.1/init.tcl" line 11)
     invoked from within
"source /home/usr/PWgui-5.4.0/lib/Guib-0.5.1/init.tcl"
     ("package ifneeded Guib 0.5.1" script)
     invoked from within
"package require Guib 0.5"
     (file "/home/usr/PWgui-5.4.0/init.tcl" line 5)
     invoked from within
"source [file join $env(PWGUI) init.tcl]"
     (file "/home/usr/PWgui-5.4.0/pwgui.tcl" line 62)
ERROR MESSAGE=================================================

However, I already installed tcl and iwidgets and it seems that itk 
Then I found that "Itk" is not recognized as "itk".

INSTALL CHECK===================================================
# tclsh
% package require Itk
can't find package Itk
% package require itk
INSTALL CHECK===================================================

After I modify line 11 in "PWgui-5.4.0/lib/Guib-0.5.1/init.tcl" as 
I succeed to run PWgui.

L11: package require Itk
L11: package require itk

I suggest that this problem is same as these case:

Is this intentional?


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