[Q-e-developers] 5.1 Tarball issues

Giovanni Pizzi giovanni.pizzi at epfl.ch
Sat May 31 01:02:01 CEST 2014

On 29 May 2014, at 22:23, Paolo Giannozzi wrote:

3. The capitalization of subdirectories comes from old problems with
  "make something" not working if directory something/ was present.
  I have no strong opinions on this: I have just followed what has
  been done until now. I would prefer not to change directory names,

Just a technical comment on the 'make' issue: the issue mentioned by Paolo can be solved using the .PHONY flag of Makefiles (official documentation here https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Phony-Targets.html )

For instance, if you want to allow the user to do a 'make clean' and you do not use the .PHONY target, if you create a file in the same folder named 'clean', when you type 'make clean' you just get
make: `clean' is up to date.

You can solve it just adding somewhere in the Makefile the following line:
 .PHONY: clean
and then make will execute the rule irregardless of the actual existence of an up-to-date version of the file 'clean'.

For the same reason, for instance, it would be good to add a .PHONY line e.g. to the main Makefile of QE:

.PHONY: acfdt  all bindir  clean  couple  cp  default  depend distclean veryclean  doc  doc_clean  epw gipaw  gpu gui  gwl  inst  ld1  libblas  libelpa libiotk liblapack libs  links  mods  neb  ph  plumed pp  pw  pwall  pwcond  pw_export  tar  tar-gui  tddfpt  touch-dummy  upf  w90 want  xspectra  yambo

(I hope that I created the correct list of packages… probably similar lines should be added to the other makefiles distributed in QE).

Giovanni Pizzi

Giovanni Pizzi
Post-doctoral Research Scientist
MXC 340 (Bâtiment MXC)
Station 12
CH-1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)
Phone: +41 21 69 31124

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