[Pw_forum] ESM Example (Al slab with bc2) and Otani/Sugino example

Louis Fry-Bouriaux ellf at leeds.ac.uk
Fri Feb 24 16:14:30 CET 2017

Hi Minoru,

    Thank you for clarifying! I will proceed to calculate, is it worth making a QE example for this? It would be quite nice to have your result in there!

Kindest regards,


From: pw_forum-bounces at pwscf.org <pw_forum-bounces at pwscf.org> on behalf of Minoru Otani <minoru.otani at aist.go.jp>
Sent: 24 February 2017 14:24:31
To: PWSCF Forum
Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] ESM Example (Al slab with bc2) and Otani/Sugino example

Dear Louis,

Thank you for using the ESM. The figure 1 in the paper shows how does the unit cell place in the z-direction. As you see, we need to put enough vacuum region on both sides of a slab. Accordingly, the 3rd cell parameter (Lz) becomes large. The z0 is not equal to Lz but equal to Lz/2.

There are some example calculations in ESM_examle directory. I recommend you to have a look at the Aluminum (001) slab calculations with various boundary conditions.

Best regards,

Minoru Otani
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Research Centre for Computational Design of Advanced Functional Materials
email : minoru.otani at aist.go.jp<mailto:minoru.otani at aist.go.jp>

On Feb 23, 2017, at 21:42, Louis Fry-Bouriaux <ellf at leeds.ac.uk<mailto:ellf at leeds.ac.uk>> wrote:

Hi there,

    I am trying to understand the ESM example with bc2 (metal-slab-metal) distributed with QE 6.0 which consists of an Al(001) slab between two electrodes, and at the same time I am trying to replicate the results of Otani and Sugino in their paper (Phys. Rev. B, 73, 115407, 2006) which consists of an Al/Si(111)/Al slab between two screening boundaries.

I have a few questions:

** 1. ** In the QE example the following cell params and atomic positions are specified:

 10.82227686   0.00000000   0.00000000
  0.00000000  10.82227686   0.00000000
  0.00000000   0.00000000  22.67672253
Al  0.00000000   0.00000000   0.00000000
Al  5.41113843   0.00000000   0.00000000
Al  0.00000000   5.41113843   0.00000000
Al  5.41113843   5.41113843   0.00000000

My understanding is that the cell will repeat without overlapping atoms along X and Y. What I'm not clear on is why the 3rd lattice vector is so large?

The parameter 'esm_w' defaults to zero and is not specified in the example, so does this large value mean that there is a region of vacuum? Or does it just repeat the atoms such that in the Z-direction there are 5 Al layers? I'm guessing that this 3rd cell parameter Z-value corresponds to L_z, which in the paper corresponds to z_0?

** 2. ** I have reproduced the 'surface unit cell' from Otani/Sugino's paper using VESTA.

My concern here is with the correct repetition of atoms in X and Y, and what exactly happens with the Z direction. I realize I must first rotate the unit cell such that the repeated Al atoms lie perpendicular to the Z Cartesian axis which I have not done yet.

I have tested the repetition of this cell within VESTA along vectors perpendicular to the Al plane. So my most important question is: if the height of the cell along Z is ~14.4281 Angstrom (measured from Al center plane), then the third 'CELL_PARAMETERS' entry (after rotation) should be this value exactly + the 'decay length' of the wavefunction in Z? Then the parameter 'esm_w' is used to set z_1 from the paper I suppose?

I will generate an xyz file of the surface cell, but if I repeat by 3.816 A along a surface lattice vector, it is a matter of just deleting the entries that cause an overlap of the atoms I suppose?

Thank you for your time and sorry for the very long email,
Kindest regards,

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