[Pw_forum] output redirection with gipaw.x

Davide Ceresoli ceresoli at MIT.EDU
Tue Aug 25 17:07:54 CEST 2009

Sylvian Cadars wrote:
> Hi,
> A few weeks ago, Paolo gave me a useful trick (see below) to redirect PW 
> outputs when the "redirection doesn't work one's system".  Specifically, 
> the redirection using ">" does not work on my system, such that the 
> output is written instead in the output file that is automatically 
> generated by the submission system (OAR in this case).
> The trick was to go to PW/startup.f90 and change
>   IF ( me_image /= root_image ) &
>      OPEN( UNIT = stdout, FILE = '/dev/null', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN' )
> into
Is this in PW/startup.f90?
>   IF ( me_image /= root_image ) THEN
>      OPEN( UNIT = stdout, FILE = '/dev/null', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN' )
>   ELSE
>      OPEN( UNIT = stdout, FILE = 'some_file_name', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN' )
>   END IF
Then you don't need to care about GIPAW. GIPAW calls the same
startup routine as PW does.

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