[Wannier] Verification of Statements Regarding Quantum ESPRESSO and Wannier90

Stepan Tsirkin stepan.tsirkin at ehu.eus
Mon Dec 23 16:38:26 CET 2024

Dear  Wenusara,

I think both those statements are outdated. for sure, wannier90 does run 
in parallel with mpi. The issue with the number of processes in pw.x and 
pw2wannier90.x used to be circumvented with the "wf_collect" tag, but 
even that is marked as obsolete (see 
https://www.quantum-espresso.org/Doc/INPUT_PW.html#idm76 ), so I guess 
the WFs are "collected" by default.


Stepan Tsirkin.

On 22/12/2024 04:37, wenusaras wrote:
> Dear QE & Wannier90 Users,
> I am writing to verify two statements from the book "Quantum ESPRESSO 
> Course for Solid-State Physics: A Hands-On Guide":
> Parallel Support of Wannier90: The book states that wannier90.x can 
> only run on a single processor and mpirun cannot be used, Could you 
> please confirm if this is accurate?
> Effect of Different Number of Processes: The book mentions that the 
> number of processors (np) used in pw2wannier90.x must be the same as 
> in pw.x. What would be the impact on the localization of obtained 
> Wannier functions if different numbers of processes are used in 
> pw2wannier90.x and pw.x?
> Thank you for your assistance.

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