[Wannier] error reading the .snn file

Elio Physics Elio-Physics at live.com
Mon Apr 3 04:56:33 CEST 2023

Dear all,

 I am trying to get the spin band structure using the postw90.x utility in Wannier90.x.

I have successfully produced the file and set spn_formatted=.true. in the pw2wan input. However when trying to plot the bands, the postw90.x module exits with an error:

   * Energy bands in eV, coloured by spin

 Reading spin matrices from ptsse.spn in get_SS_R : ated on  2Apr2023 at 23:15:28

 Error: Problem reading input file ptsse.spn

Is this a bug or is there  something else going on?

Any help would be appreciated.

Elie Moujaes
Federal University of Rondonia
Port Velho

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