[Wannier] Error message "incorrect number of g-vectors extracted" when performing pw2wannier90

ddloc at skku.edu ddloc at skku.edu
Wed May 13 03:55:35 CEST 2020

Dear Wannier90 developers and users,


I am trying to study the parity of bands. I found that there is an option in
the  pw2wannier90, which can provide the parity of bands. 

However, I encounter an error message "incorrect number of g-vectors
extracted" when adding "write_unkg= .true.". I try to look at the
pw2wannier90.f90 file but I can not find the reason why this error happens. 


Could you give me hints to solve this issue? 


The system I am studying is a non-colinear spin calculation including
spin-orbit coupling. 


Thank you for all your help in advance. 


With best wishes,




Best regards, 

Dinh Loc Duong, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University
Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics (CINAP), Institute for Basic
Room 86388, N-Center, Suwon Campus, Sungkyunkwan University, 2066 Seobu-ro,
Jangan-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea (16419)

Phone: +82-31-299-4055            
Email:  <mailto:ddloc at skku.edu> ddloc at skku.edu,
<mailto:mambom1902 at gmail.com> mambom1902 at gmail.com


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