[Wannier] Problems with SPN formatted and gw2wannier.py

Marten Richter marten.richter at tu-berlin.de
Thu Sep 26 12:36:32 CEST 2019

Dear Wannier90 list,

for some reasons, I tried to use gw stuff from yambo with wannier and I 
also needed spins.
I need to use the spn formatted option, since I am too stupid (or lazy) 
to install the python package for FortranFile on the cluster.
So I tried to run gw2wannier90.py from the utility folder using spn 
output with spn_formatted.

I ran into several issues and I am really wondering, if the spn 
formatted output was tested.
Anyway I made a patch and I would be glad, if someone can look over it 
(who has reference data for the unformatted option for testing)
and could integrate it.
(Special care necessary, since I can write in several programming 
languages but not in python and I do not have really much data to check 
the correct behaviour).
I hope, that this is the right mailing list.


Marten Richter

Dr. Marten Richter
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Technische Universität Berlin
Hardenbergstr. 36 Sekr. EW 7-1
D-10623 Berlin
email: marten.richter at tu-berlin.de
Tel: +49-30-314-24858 (office)
Fax: +49-30-314-21130


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