[Wannier] Wannier90 and quantum espresso and spin orbit coupling

Marten Richter marten.richter at tu-berlin.de
Tue Aug 20 11:47:21 CEST 2019

Dear Wannier90 experts,

I am relatively new to Wannier90 and also Quantum Espresso, but I need 
for development some example file for monolayer MoS2 including Spin 
Orbit coupling.
I will use the files generated by Wannier90 to interpolate the 
bandstructure and TB coefficients to a 1024x1024 grid using a custom 
code (needs to be 2^n points).

I used files from www.materialscloud.org as basis for the calculation I 
only replaced the pseudo potentials with relativistic potentials and I 
increased the cutoff energy, since I get otherwise non positive S in 
quantum espresso.

My problem is, that one Spin component behaves fine and the other one 
shows strong oscillations around the gamma point. (visible the 
bandstructure plotted by my code, but also in the wannier post 
processing plot, both attached). It gets better for more iterations, but 
what is the reason  for the poor convergence.

I hope, this is the right list, since it might be also a problem with 
quantum espresso, but I did not want to cross post.

Thank you very much in advance!

Best regards,

Marten Richter

Dr. Marten Richter
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Technische Universität Berlin
Hardenbergstr. 36 Sekr. EW 7-1
D-10623 Berlin
email: marten.richter at tu-berlin.de
Tel: +49-30-314-24858 (office)
Fax: +49-30-314-21130


File for scf calculation

   calculation = 'scf'
   outdir = './'
   prefix = 'mos2'
   pseudo_dir = './'

   restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
   verbosity = 'high'
   degauss =   2.0000000000d-02
   ecutrho =   3.0000000000d+02
   ecutwfc =   4.375000000000d+01
!  ecutrho =   2.4000000000d+02
!  ecutwfc =   3.5000000000d+01
!!  ecutrho =   4.8000000000d+02
!!  ecutwfc =   7.0000000000d+01
   assume_isolated = '2D'
   ibrav = 0
   nat = 3
   ntyp = 2
   occupations = 'smearing'
   smearing = 'cold'
   noncolin = .true.
   lspinorb = .true.
   conv_thr =   3.0000000000d-09

   diago_full_acc = .true.
   diagonalization = 'cg'
   electron_maxstep = 100
Mo     95.94 Mo.rel-pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
S      32.066 S.rel-pbe-nl-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
Mo           0.0000000000       1.8406963043      11.5773510440
S            1.5940897602       0.9203481522      10.0188259936
S            1.5940897602       0.9203481522      13.1358760945
K_POINTS crystal
   0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  1.600000e-03
	should represent a 25x25 grid, cut out here

       3.1881795204       0.0000000000       0.0000000000
      -1.5940897602       2.7610444565       0.0000000000
       0.0000000000       0.0000000000      23.1547020881

File for nscf calculation

   calculation = 'bands'
   outdir = './'
   prefix = 'mos2'
   pseudo_dir = './'
   restart_mode = 'restart'
   verbosity = 'high'
   degauss =   2.0000000000d-02

   ecutrho =   3.0000000000d+02
   ecutwfc =   4.375000000000d+01
!  ecutrho =   2.4000000000d+02
!  ecutwfc =   3.5000000000d+01
!!  ecutrho =   4.8000000000d+02
!!  ecutwfc =   7.0000000000d+01
   ibrav = 0
   assume_isolated = '2D'
   nat = 3
   ntyp = 2
   occupations = 'smearing'
   smearing = 'cold'
   noncolin = .true.
   lspinorb = .true.

   conv_thr =   3.0000000000d-09
   diago_full_acc = .true.
   diagonalization = 'cg'

   electron_maxstep = 100
Mo     95.94 Mo.rel-pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
S      32.066 S.rel-pbe-nl-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
Mo           0.0000000000       1.8406963043      11.5773510440
S            1.5940897602       0.9203481522      10.0188259936
S            1.5940897602       0.9203481522      13.1358760945
K_POINTS crystal
   0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  1.600000e-03
Rest cut out here

       3.1881795204       0.0000000000       0.0000000000
      -1.5940897602       2.7610444565       0.0000000000
       0.0000000000       0.0000000000

File for wannier90 input

     outdir = './'
     prefix = 'mos2'
     seedname = 'mos2'
     spin_component = 'none'
     write_mmn = .true.
     write_amn = .true.
     write_unk = .false.

     write_dmn = .false.
     write_spn = .true.
     read_sym = .false.
     wan_mode = 'standalone'

File for wannier90 input

bands_plot = true
#restart = plot
write_hr = true
write_rmn = true
write_bvec = true
write_u_matrices = true
spinors = true
spin_decomp = true
kpath = true
kpath_task = bands
kpath_bands_colour = spin

num_wann        = 22
num_iter        = 3600
num_bands	= 22
exclude_bands = 1-12

wannier_plot_supercell = 3

precond = true
trial_step = 1.0

begin atoms_frac
Mo           0.0000000000       1.8406963043      11.5773510440
S            1.5940897602       0.9203481522      10.0188259936
S            1.5940897602       0.9203481522      13.1358760945
end atoms_frac

begin projections
end projections

begin kpoint_path
G 0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  M 0.50000 0.0000 0.0000000
M 0.500000  0.000000  0.000000  K 0.666666 -0.333333 0.0000000
K 0.666666   -0.333333   0.000000  KP 0.333333 -0.666666   0.000000
KP 0.333333 -0.666666   0.000000  G 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000000
end kpoint_path

begin unit_cell_cart
3.1881795204       0.0000000000       0.0000000000
-1.5940897602       2.7610444565       0.0000000000
0.0000000000       0.0000000000      23.1547020881
end unit_cell_cart

mp_grid : 25 25 1

begin kpoints
   0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000
   0.00000000  0.04000000  0.00000000
   snip should be the same 25x25 grid
end kpoints


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