[Wannier] wannierization
Valerio Vitale
vv284 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Oct 24 13:49:10 CEST 2018
Dear Ubaid,
The dis_win_max and dis_froz_max specify the energy window and inner (or
frozer) window respectively, for the disentanglement procedure as
explained in Phys. Rev. B. 65 035109 (2001), but also in the
comprehensive review Rev. Mod. Phys. 84 1419 (2012) . You do not need to
specify these two parameters if you are only interested in the valence
bands of an insulator or a semiconductor (like phosphorene).
However, if you are interested also in describing the conduction bands
of such materials, then you need a disentanglement procedure as these
bands will be most likely entangled with other bands higher in energy.
In this cases, you want to specify at least dis_win_max (specifying
dis_froz_max might be helpful in some cases, if you know what you are
doing, but it is not mandatory for the disentanglement).
Intuitively, if N is the number of Wannier functions sought (which for
spin-unpolarized calculations it is also the number of interpolated
bands) the disentanglement algorithm tries to find the N states, from a
larger set in a given *energy window*, whose "character" changes as
little as possible from one *k *point to another (lying in a
neighborhood of *k* in the Brillouin zone). This is achieved by
minimising selfconsistently the "spillage" between the subspace spanned
by the N states at *k *and the subspaces at *k*+*b *(i.e. in a
neighborhood of *k*). Hence, the energy window, whose upper bound is
given by dis_win_max, must contain at least N states at each *k* point. **
Unfortunately, there is no simple recipe for choosing the value of
dis_win_max as it depends on how many bands you want to describe, the
pseudopotential you used in your scf calculation (which defines the zero
of your energy), and also on the contribution of states higher in
energy. In this cases, the quality of the interpolated bands strongly
depends also on the initial projections.
If you want to describe only the valence bands of phosphorene then you
need 10 WFs (and 10 bands). No disentanglement is needed in this case
(phosphorene has a finite band-gap). Good initial projections would be
6 s-like functions centred on each P-P bond and 4 pz-like functions
centred on each P atom.
If you also want to describe the first few low-lying conduction bands, I
believe you want 16 WFs (and at least 20 bands). Good initial
projections would be 4 sp3-like functions centred on each P atom. For
dis_win_max you want to choose a value which is slightly larger than the
minimum possible value, i.e. the one for which the window contains at
least 16 states at each *k *point (it depends on your pseudopotential).
Kind regards,
On 24/10/2018 11:44, Ubaid Mohd wrote:
> Dear experts,
> I am calculating the band structure of phosphorene based materials and
> there are two parameters that I dont quite understand: dis_win_max and
> dis_froz_max. I got the band structure of graphene but still there is
> something not right about it as I do not get a zero gap at the K
> point. I looked at the graphite example and also read the users guide
> but did not really get exactly what these parameters do. I know they
> are very crucial to get a better result. Also I nned to know how to
> choose right projections for the atoms. For P atom I am taking pz
> projections, but bandstructure is not quit good. I would be very
> thankful if someone could make things clearer for me.
> Regards
> /Mohammad Ubaid/
> /PhD Research Scholar/
> /Department of Physics/
> /Jamia Millia Islamia University/
> /New Delhi - 110025/
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