[Wannier] Lattice vector in LCR transport

Haichang Lu hl432 at cam.ac.uk
Thu May 18 10:48:05 CEST 2017

Dear all,
I am calculating quantum conductance of lcr mode and in the last step, 
it exit with:
      Maximum real part of the real-space Hamiltonian at each lattice 
             Lattice point R           Max |H_ij(R)|
                   -1                     2.118803
                    0                    15.630959
                    1                     2.118803

  Number of unit cells inside the principal layer:     2
  Number of Wannier Functions inside the principal layer:    80
  ------------------------- 2c2 Calculation Type: 

  Reading GrNR11.unkg  file
  Lattice vector in conduction direction must point along x,y or z  
direction and be orthogonal to the remaining lattice vectors.

Weirdly that I did use a cubic cell and set one_dim_axis to z.


                               Lattice Vectors (Ang)
                     a_1    15.000000   0.000000   0.000000
                     a_2     0.000000  15.000000   0.000000
                     a_3     0.000000   0.000000  47.080000

                    Unit Cell Volume:   10593.00000  (Ang^3)

                         Reciprocal-Space Vectors (Ang^-1)
                     b_1     0.418879   0.000000   0.000000
                     b_2     0.000000   0.418879   0.000000
                     b_3     0.000000   0.000000   0.133458

Has anyone been through same problem and help me with that?


Haichang Lu
Department of Engineering , University of Cambridge

Centre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics,9 JJ Thomson Ave, 
CB3 0FA, United Kingdom

St. Edmund's college
Tel: +44(0) 7778 392573

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