[Wannier] kmesh_get: something wrong, found too many nearest neighbours

Jonathan Yates jonathan.yates at materials.ox.ac.uk
Mon Jan 9 18:41:57 CET 2017

On 9 Jan 2017, at 16:43, Jia Chen <jiachenchem at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I am having the title error from wannier90. And I tried to set kmesh_tol=0.00001 or devel_flag=kmesh_degen, the problem still stays. I hope I can get some help here. Thank you.

in the win file - and then it works ok. (this is an order of magnitude tighter than the default tolerance).

Why does that work?
  Your structure is just very slightly away from being symmetric - if we look at your unit cell in terms of cell lengths and cell angles this is more apparent:
        Real Lattice(A)                     
   6.5513444   0.0085398   0.0002025       
   0.0920464   6.5507774  -0.0080818   
   0.1010507   0.1085719   6.5496972      
       Lattice parameters(A)       Cell Angles
     a =    6.551350          alpha =   89.108776
     b =    6.551429          beta  =   89.113207
     c =    6.551376          gamma =   89.120294
This means that the shells of k-points are very closely spaced, and wannier90 needs a finer tolerance to distinguish them than usual. With the regular tolerance it was putting kpoints into the same shell that should belong to different shells.


Department of Materials, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PH, UK
tel: +44 (0)1865 612797                http://users.ox.ac.uk/~oums0549/

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