[Wannier] problem about frozen energy window

杨晟祺 12307110406 at fudan.edu.cn
Thu Oct 1 10:43:59 CEST 2015

  I am a new user of wannier90. These days I am trying to construct a TB model with the assistance of wannier90. I already get the fermi energy and correct energy band from VASP, and now want to get the Hamiltonian matrix from wannier90. However, the energy band within frozen energy window given out by wannier90 is very different from the energy band I get from VASP, which should be impossible according to the user guide.
  Is there any way to solve this problem?? What is the cause of this contradictory result??

Department of Physics, Fudan University
Shengqi Yang
Tel: (+86)18817873184

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