[Wannier] How are the WFs in hr.dat arranged?

Pang Rui pang.r at sustc.edu.cn
Thu Nov 6 02:42:42 CET 2014

Dear all
I am a new user to W90. I followed example10 and get the corresponding
hr.dat. But I am puzzled with the order of the wannier functions. In the
example, the atomic position was gave as
C2    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.2500000000
C1    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.7500000000
C1    0.3333333333    0.6666666667    0.2500000000
C2   -0.3333333333   -0.6666666667    0.7500000000
But in the projection block, the projections was given as 
So my question is,how the code dicide the order of these 10 WFs in
hr.dat?how can I determine which WF is corresponding pz of the first
example? In R=0,I found the following four group of data
0	0	0	10	4	-2.985233	0
0	0	0	9	8	-2.985233	0
0	0	0	8	9	-2.985233	0
0	0	0	4	10	-2.985233	0
which are quite close to the nearest neibough hopping integral of
graphene. I guess they are pz hopping interals of the corresponding atoms.
But I am confused with the way that the code arranged them, and it seems
that the answer cannot be found in the userguide.
Could someone help me?

Department of Physics, South University of Science and Technology of China
Shenzhen, Guangdong, PRC, 518500

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