[Wannier] 答复: questions about quantum anomalous Hall conductivity
Menghao Wu
wmh1987 at mit.edu
Tue Nov 4 00:22:45 CET 2014
Dear Dr.Mostofi ,
Thank you very much for your kind help!
I have got wannier90.x and postw90.x in 2.0.0 version. But even with the same input files,
for version 1.2, *mmn, *eig files will be automatically generated after vasp run so I can continue the next step for wannier90.x;
but for version 2.0.0, after vasp run finishes, no files like *mmn, *eig are generated; so if I continue the wannier90.x step, .wout will show:
Error: Problem opening input file wannier90.mmn
I have no idea in which step can .mmn, .eig, .chk files be generated in 2.0.0 version ?
Best regards
MIT Department of NSE
发件人: Wannier [wannier-bounces at quantum-espresso.org] 代表 Mostofi, Arash [a.mostofi at imperial.ac.uk]
发送时间: 2014年11月3日 16:17
收件人: wannier at quantum-espresso.org
主题: Re: [Wannier] questions about quantum anomalous Hall conductivity
Dear Wu,
I can answer some of your queries:
1. I believe the difference should be related to whether you are referring the conductance (units of S) or conductivity (units of S/m).
2. Try setting fermi_energy_step in the input file. The default value is 0.01 eV.
3. I’m not familiar with the VASP interface so I won’t speculate on why it might not be writing those files. But in case you had not realised, with wannier90 v2.0.0 there are now two executables that you can compile: one a serial executable (wannier90.x, obtained via “make wannier”) for first performing the spread minimisation, calculating the Wannier functions, and a few other things (i.e. pretty much everything that wannier90-1.2 does); the other a parallel executable (postw90.x, obtained via “make post”) that calculates several further properties (DoS, Berry curvature etc - see the user guide for full details.)
And finally, please don’t forget to sign off with your affiliation!
Best wishes,
Dr Arash Mostofi ― www.mostofigroup.org<http://www.mostofigroup.org>
Imperial College London
Director, Thomas Young Centre @Imperial
Assistant Director, CDT in Theory & Simulation of Materials
Warden, Wilkinson & Weeks Hall
On 3 Nov 2014, at 20:06, Menghao Wu <wmh1987 at mit.edu<mailto:wmh1987 at mit.edu>> wrote:
Dear Wannier developers & experts,
I am trying to calculate quantum anomalous Hall conductivity by using VASP+Wannier90.x+postw90.x, may I ask some questions:
1. Why the unit of ahc Anomalous Hall conductivity is S/cm? von Klitzing constant RK = h/e2 = 25812.807557Ω<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohm_(unit)>, I think the unit of [\sigma = \frac{I_\text{channel}}{V_\text{Hall}} = \nu \; \frac{e^2}{h},] should be S or Ω<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohm_(unit)>-1 in all previous report I read. Why this conductivity is S over a length?
2. As I set in .win file:
fermi_energy_min = -2.685
fermi_energy_max = -2.485
berry = true
berry_task = ahc
berry_kmesh = 25 25 1
In the oupt .ahc. file I get:
-2.685000 -0.009966 -0.000345 -69.735021
-2.675000 -0.005905 -0.002186 -89.967445
-2.665000 -0.002600 -0.001902 -266.247099
-2.655000 0.002155 -0.003784 -266.146173
-2.495000 0.011176 0.013206 51.615581
-2.485000 0.014227 0.010831 32.024074
But the grid of fermi energy is constantly 0.01eV no matter how I tune the fermi_energy min and max. I cannot find any tag in manual on making it denser. But I need a much denser plot to show the plateau of AHC. Is there any tag setup that can make it denser?
3. Seems only wannier90-2.0 has postw90.x dealing with berry curvature, but as I first run vasp, it finishes without generating *eig,*mmn files, and if I then run wannier90, .werr comes out asking for *eig, *mmn files so I cannot continue.
But for wannier90-1.2, the first step by vasp will generate *eig, *mmn files and everything goes smoothly.
So the problem is, will it be ok I first run vasp+ wannier90.x in --1.2 version, and the use postw90.x in --2.0 version?
Or is there anyway to solve the problems in the first step that vaspwannier90--2.0.0 cannot generate *eig,*mmn files?
4. It was reported that Wannier90 can be used to calculate the edge Green’s function of the semi-infinite lattice using the recursive method:
But I cannot find such function in the manual. Is there any tag setup that can calculate edge state of semi-infinite systems?
Thank you very much and your help is highly appreciated!
Best regards
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