[Wannier] h(r) hoppings in AO basis

Ganesh Panchapakesan gpanchap at gmail.com
Tue Jan 22 19:26:50 CET 2013

Dear All,

Does anyone know if it is possible to transform the current h(r) matrix
elements, which is in the WF-basis, to (say an atom centered)
atomic-orbital basis within wannier90?  The transformation might be lossy
(i.e. it might be a projection) depending on the system of course, but
would be good to compare with other TB-fitting codes which use such
atomic-orbital basis to represent the Hamiltonian.

Also, in the current wannier90 code, I supposed the WFs are orthogonal in
the unit cell due to periodicity i.e. WF(n,R)(r) = WF(n,0)(r-R). But I
don't see that when I print the
sum(wf(nx,ny,nz,wan_ind)*conjg(wf(nx,ny,nz,wan_ind)), where {n} is the real
space grid inside the wannier_plot_supercell, which is '1' in my test case
i.e. the unit cell.  What am I missing, is the sum needed over the
supercell corresponding to the k-mesh i.e. {n} is {kx,ky,kz}?

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