[Wannier] Wannier90 improvements

Arash Mostofi a.mostofi at imperial.ac.uk
Thu Mar 22 17:41:43 CET 2012

Dear Wannier90 Community,

We are planning to release an updated version of the Wannier90 code this 
summer. If you have any bug fixes or suggestions for new functionality, 
then I'd be most grateful if you would email me 
(a.mostofi at imperial.ac.uk) and Jonathan Yates 
(jonathan.yates at materials.ox.ac.uk) by Friday 30th March.

Many thanks in advance,


Dr Arash A Mostofi
Departments of Materials and Physics
Deputy Director, CDT on Theory and Simulation of Materials
Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK
+44 (0)207 594 8154 | www.cmth.ph.ic.ac.uk/people/a.mostofi

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