[Wannier] Different num_wann setting for pw2wannier90.x and wannier90.x....

Han Hsu hsuhan at cems.umn.edu
Wed Jun 18 00:45:58 CEST 2008

Thank you, Jonathan. 

In my case, the 22 bands that I should have excluded when I ran pw2wan
indeed form an isolated group below the 24 bands I am interested. I believe
your suggestion, setting dis_win_min, works for this case. I did not try it,
however, because I already calculated 24 X 24 Amn and Mmn way before I got
any reponse....


-----Original Message-----
From: wannier-bounces at quantum-espresso.org
[mailto:wannier-bounces at quantum-espresso.org] On Behalf Of Jonathan Yates
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 4:57 AM
To: Wannier Mailinglist
Subject: Re: [Wannier] Different num_wann setting for pw2wannier90.x and 


  If the 22 bands you want to exclude form an isolated set _below_ (or 
above) the remaining valence bands then you can just do the following:

  Set num_bands=46 and num_wann=24
  Set the outer window for disentanglement to include only the upper 24 
bands (ie put dis_min_win in the gap between the lower 22 and upper 24).

  This should cause w90 to try disentanglement - which will converge 
instantly as it has no work to do. This is identical to using 
  Any problems, just report back.

  If the 22 bands happen to form an isolated set within the original 24 - 
eg as for the 3d bands in ZnSe - then the only option is to use 
exclude_bands. No fundamental reason for this, it could be coded into w90.


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