[Wannier] Wannier90 v1.1 released
Arash Mostofi
a.mostofi at imperial.ac.uk
Thu Dec 20 18:42:47 CET 2007
Dear Wannier90 users
Version 1.1 of Wannier90 is now available on http://www.wannier.org
A summary of the main changes from v1.0.2 is given below.
: Dr. Arash A. Mostofi :: a.mostofi at imperial.ac.uk :
: Lecturer and RCUK Fellow :: :
: Depts. of Materials & Physics :: :
: Imperial College London :: T +44 (0)207 594 6753 :
: London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom :: F +44 (0)207 594 6757 :
:------- http://www.cmth.ph.ic.ac.uk/people/a.mostofi -------:
v1.1 (21st Dec 2007)
* Addition of specific algorithms for when only Gamma-point
sampling is used (new input variable: gamma_only)
* Addition of routines for quantum transport and DoS calculations
(new input variables: transport, transport_mode, etc.)
* Option to write out hamiltonian matrix elements in the Wannier
function basis (new input variable: hr_plot)
* Option to set a convergence threshold for localisation procedure
(new input variables: conv_tol, conv_window)
* Improved minimisation algorithms for localisation routines
(new input variables: conv_noise_amp, conv_noise_num)
* Option to specify the number of shells that are searched to find
nearest neighbour b-vectors (new input variable: search_shells)
* Option to plot bandstructures in xmgrace format
* Option to plot Wannier functions in cube format
-- works for isolated molecules, further testing for periodic systems
is required -- significantly reduces WF file-size
(new input variable: wannier_plot_radius)
* Optional capability to specify some projections in input file and
have the remaining centres chosen randomly by the code
* Checkpointing and restarts all done via the .chk file (_um.dat file
now obsolete)
* Further enhancements to the way projections are specified
* Option to map Wannier functions onto bandstructure
(new input variable: bands_plot_project)
* Option to have spinor Wannier functions
(new input variable: spinors)
* A few new tutorial examples
* Improvements to "library mode" functionality
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