[QE-users] Negative values showing in real part of dielectric function of Silicon

Md. Jahid Hasan Sagor md.sagor at maine.edu
Tue Sep 3 15:47:46 CEST 2024

Hi QE Experts,

To find out the dielectric function (imaginary and real parts) of silicon,
I have run scf.in, nscf.in, epsilon.in (I have shared results in the
attachment). I have compared the imaginary part of the dielectric function
with one study and the results are in good agreement. However, the problem
is in the real part of the dielectric function. It contains  several
negative values and due to this absorption coefficient I found, has not
matched with the study.  I am very confused why the real part shows absurd
value, if the imaginary part matches with the study. Would you please share
your opinions?
Here is the scf.in:
  calculation = 'scf'
  restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
  prefix = 'ZG-si'
  pseudo_dir = './'
  outdir = './out'
  ibrav = 0
  nat =   16
  ntyp =    1
  ecutwfc =  90.00
  diagonalization = 'david'
  mixing_mode= 'plain'
  mixing_beta = 0.70
  conv_thr =   1D-06
   Si   28.085 Si.pz-hgh.UPF
K_POINTS automatic
   8   8   8   0   0   0
      5.38154150      5.38154150      0.00000000
      0.00000000      5.38154150      5.38154150
      5.38154150      0.00000000      5.38154150
  calculation = 'nscf'
  restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
  prefix = 'ZG-si'
  pseudo_dir = './'
  outdir = './out'
  ibrav = 0
  nat =   16
  ntyp =    1
  ecutwfc =  90.00
  nbnd = 56
  nosym = .true.
  noinv = .true.
  diagonalization = 'david'
  mixing_mode= 'plain'
  mixing_beta = 0.70
  conv_thr =   1D-06
   Si   28.085 Si.pz-hgh.UPF

      5.38154150      5.38154150      0.00000000
      0.00000000      5.38154150      5.38154150
      5.38154150      0.00000000      5.38154150
K_POINTS crystal
Here is the epsilon.in:
outdir      = './out',
prefix      = 'ZG-si',
calculation = 'eps'
smeartype   = 'gauss',
intersmear  = 0.03d0,
wmax        = 4.5d0,
wmin        = 0.2d0,
nw          = 600,
shift       = 0.0d0,


Best Regards
Md Jahid Hasan
PhD student
Mechanical Engineering
University of Maine
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