[QE-users] Input File Verification for Hydrogen Bond Analysis in QE

Le, Tran T. tran.le.15 at ou.edu
Fri Jun 28 23:57:58 CEST 2024

Dear all,

I have just started using Quantum ESPRESSO as my main research involves molecular dynamics simulations. I am working on relaxing a system consisting of a polymer and CO2. I would like to determine if any hydrogen bonds are formed between them. I was wondering if my input file is correct for this calculation. Below is my input:

    pseudo_dir = ''
  tprnfor = .true.
    ibrav=  1,
  celled(1) = 120.0,
  nat = 99,
    ntyp = 4,
    ecutwfc =50, ecutrho =500,
    vdw_corr = grimme-d3,
    conv_thr = 1.0d-8
C  12.0107 C.pbe-rrkjus.UPF
H   1.0    H.pbe-rrkjus.UPF
O  16.0    O.pbe-rrkjus.UPF
N  14.0067 N.pbe-n-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF
H       113.8990785     -15.39184566      4.990010336
C       103.6087457     -13.6607655 7.758425331
C       100.4996082     -2.791566269      15.83035089
H       108.2106547     3.892021952 19.32772387
C      87.22710646      -0.822517358      19.0637291
N      81.33741994      9.284595346 26.51144201
H      86.33487597      16.87867949 30.87252121
C      67.69509919      8.116687545 27.11960545
O      60.35915198      15.70959919 32.95740402
C      63.91231632      -4.4348188  19.2021683
H      58.85285263      -11.44772753      25.90482722
C      77.25626748      -9.521485124      14.54332951
C      80.43619681      -20.18725804      6.461887946
H      72.70211436      -26.72445293      2.751164738
C      93.77057159      -22.19799892      3.092855262
H      96.4689941 -30.45844125      -3.29875257
C      55.01160706      -1.416209211      7.400638638
C      59.65505941      7.035391748 -2.591173754
H      69.26509144      11.89781924 -1.452144317
C      52.28849438      9.101607835 -14.13269829
H      56.03512431      15.5825958  -21.91430571
C      40.21175626      2.619288713 -15.63259906
C      31.27010035      3.13949672  -27.78759979
H      35.1831681 9.417844756 -35.78407974
C      17.92789593      7.756187974 -22.4987659
C      12.86740326      -0.315721609      -12.31115828
C      21.93895883      -11.84113175      -8.716171107
H      18.01498686      -18.09918924      -0.707973384
C      35.28772949      -5.543337325      -5.456821882
C      42.63302669      -7.609114397      6.024194344
H      38.87612172      -14.06405815      13.83034548
C      24.34676299      -19.33264277      -21.61930542
C      22.2487633 -32.80646178      -23.73645765
H      18.41026344      -39.06955719      -15.80831752
C      25.17177951      -38.22746829      -36.1636799
H      23.63409299      -48.77555561      -37.87193846
C      30.11432006      -30.22918643      -46.3212561
H      32.34822692      -34.54682446      -55.92000734
C      32.21066525      -16.67658091      -44.21425494
C      29.36149779      -11.28942045      -31.84859619
H      36.10792351      -10.43351394      -52.1215381
C       0.857855927     2.733821267 -6.310212559
H      -3.123833929     -3.424220434      1.610881915
C      -6.02778801      14.19314556 -10.27349379
C      -0.867838073     22.26684843 -20.28763975
H      -6.116842988     31.22244316 -23.23075254
C      11.06700068      18.99039805 -26.54528841
H      14.98993159      25.30757025 -34.37615987
C     -18.65518235      17.88251004 -2.749069955
C     -13.96982095      21.57957404 11.4521929
O      -8.090017259     14.59615191 19.34770564
N     -17.1980554 34.67596267 13.52231932
H     -14.82831874      39.64208337 21.97199083
C     -23.92709983      40.26217323 2.754453607
C     -29.09418561      52.97340541 1.291204946
H     -28.05557402      60.40579474 9.035134852
C     -35.7461916 55.89840547 -10.54485225
H     -39.88123129      65.76933054 -11.97474714
C     -37.24737438      46.36869644 -20.4746696
H     -42.56149676      48.86945952 -29.52624392
C     -31.99252529      33.59708812 -18.91889655
C     -25.20087538      30.66378025 -7.311644091
H     -33.18661501      26.12576671 -26.61724105
C     -29.12426598      6.957418346 -3.14664998
C     -37.99830725      5.329128035 7.4404323
H     -36.80788099      11.05900886 16.5183901
C     -48.31758724      -3.739186072      6.281288677
C     -58.56513939      -6.870734935      16.9146146
H     -57.11353062      -1.220581882      26.11950978
C     -71.99597952      -4.508618285      10.44514457
C     -73.82200379      -11.74119809      -1.337690697
C     -85.71363999      -10.79843411      -8.290310409
H     -87.18426008      -16.4130564 -17.40592444
C     -95.78257237      -2.585413356      -3.415475963
H     -105.1425787      -1.852948051      -8.770337862
C     -93.94771862      4.612357312 8.261996567
H     -101.861308 10.95288756 11.99120532
C     -81.99987811      3.686542355 15.26278701
H     -80.55861858      9.271125057 24.40457562
C     -61.97141639      -20.34617851      -5.021678753
H     -63.42606003      -25.99275119      -14.23232632
C     -50.07981261      -11.06488417      -5.451180122
C     -41.20463747      -9.584275226      -15.89981845
H     -42.39501388      -15.31585913      -24.98189693
C     -30.73548471      -0.584523586      -14.69324518
H     -23.73564173      0.605870748 -22.82576773
C     -59.52505156      -29.08188789      7.071005071
C     -58.88276323      -42.8546198 7.174894336
H     -60.26312849      -48.5074867 -1.930181594
C     -56.41138361      -49.40697519      19.1632183
H     -55.85984572      -60.19175937      19.33052423
C     -54.67707921      -42.21628209      30.87122975
H     -52.80193531      -47.42120361      40.13977713
C     -55.32152337      -28.35601902      30.77183577
C     -57.70323216      -21.84085427      18.84989429
H     -54.01532735      -22.72248522      39.88854783
C     19.6835097  12.52991224 18.55344661
O     19.77582415 3.647514108 25.73720991
O       19.80329629     21.41247841 11.32436868
K_POINTS {gamma}
#K_POINTS {gamma}
# 3 3 1 0 0 0

Thank you.

Best regards,

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