[QE-users] pp.x caused an error when treating hdf5 files

ZHANGDAPENG zhang.dapeng.c5 at tohoku.ac.jp
Tue Jun 18 04:58:22 CEST 2024


I'm using the Quantum Espresso 7.3.1.

I have conducted the scf calculation for an organic crystal structure using
pw.x, finally obtained the output files including a charge-density.hdf5

However, when I try to use pp.x to process the output files to get the .dat
file, xsf files, or cube files, there is an error:

     Reading xml data from directory:

     Message from routine qes_read:magnetizationType:
     total: wrong number of occurrences
     Message from routine qexsd_readschema :
     error reading output_obj of xsd data file

     Error in routine read_xml_file (4):
     fatal error reading xml file

     stopping ...

Here is my pp.x input:


If I calculate a small crystal structure using the same input parameters, I
do not obtain the hdf5 file, but instead I get the charge-density.dat file.
In this case, pp.x can be used for post-processing.

Is there any option to control not generating the hdf5 file? Or how can
pp.x be used to achieve such tasks using a hdf5 file?

Thanks a lot,
Halsten Zhang
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