[QE-users] Explanation of Interatomic force constant file

Md. Jahid Hasan Sagor md.sagor at maine.edu
Thu Jun 13 21:34:18 CEST 2024

Hi Lorenzo,

Thank you so much for your explanation


On Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 3:02 PM Lorenzo Paulatto <lorenzo.paulatto at cnrs.fr>

> I forgo to say, but should be evident, that alpha=1,2 and 3 correspond to
> x, y and z respectively, and the same for beta.
> On 13/06/2024 20:43, Lorenzo Paulatto wrote:
>     4   4   4
>        1   1   1   1
>        1   1   1   2.72193485518E-01
>        2   1   1  -3.66360766085E-03
>        3   1   1  -5.82906438331E-05
>    nq1 nq2 nq3
>       alpha beta   I      J
>       i1 j1 k1    F1
>       i2 j2 k2    F2
>       ...
> F1 is the force constant F(R1+tau_I^alpha, tau_J^beta).
> Where R1 = (i1-1)*a1 + (j1-1)*a2 + (k1-1)*a3, with a1, a2, a3 the lattice
> vectors; tau_I is the basis of atom I in the unit cell.
> Translational invariance is used to have the second R (associated with
> tau_J) always vanishing.
> alpha and beta are Cartesian directions (x, y, z). The unit of measure is
> Ry/bohr^2
> alpha,beta = x,y,z
> I,J = 1,... nat
> With Nq = nq1*nq2*nq3 then
> i_1... i_Nq = 1,... nq1
> j_1... j_Nq = 1,... nq2
> k_1... k_Nq = 1,... nq3
> It is complicated, but not difficult.
> hth
> On 13/06/2024 19:33, Md. Jahid Hasan Sagor wrote:
> Hi,
> Below here- I am sharing inter atomic force constant file content (*.ifc)
> generated by quantum espresso. Could someone explain me what does these
> number means? I have used nq1*nq2*nq3=4 * 4 * 4 in ph.in <http://ph.in>
> <http://ph.in> (q grids)
>      4   4   4
>         1   1   1   1
>         1   1   1   2.72193485518E-01
>         2   1   1  -3.66360766085E-03
>         3   1   1  -5.82906438331E-05
>         4   1   1  -3.66360766085E-03
>         1   2   1   9.15317439765E-03
>         2   2   1  -3.16229448375E-04
>         3   2   1   1.03820610061E-04
>         4   2   1  -3.66360766085E-03
>         1   3   1   3.90322317374E-03
>         2   3   1  -3.16229448375E-04
>         3   3   1  -5.82906438331E-05
>         4   3   1  -3.16229448375E-04
>         1   4   1   9.15317439765E-03
>         2   4   1  -3.66360766085E-03
>         3   4   1   1.03820610061E-04
>         4   4   1  -3.16229448375E-04
>         1   1   2  -3.66360766085E-03
>         2   1   2   1.03820610061E-04
>         3   1   2  -3.16229448375E-04
>         4   1   2   9.15317439765E-03
>         1   2   2  -3.16229448375E-04
>         2   2   2  -2.73229894024E-04
>         3   2   2  -3.16229448375E-04
>         4   2   2  -4.98908734409E-04
>         1   3   2  -3.16229448375E-04
>         2   3   2   1.03820610061E-04
>         3   3   2  -2.17343457160E-04
>         4   3   2  -2.78788521756E-04
>         1   4   2  -3.66360766085E-03
>         2   4   2  -2.36600242622E-04
>         3   4   2  -2.17343457160E-04
>         4   4   2  -4.98908734409E-04
>         1   1   3  -5.82906438331E-05
>         2   1   3  -3.16229448375E-04
>         3   1   3   3.90322317374E-03
>         4   1   3  -3.16229448375E-04
>         1   2   3   1.03820610061E-04
>         2   2   3  -3.16229448375E-04
>         3   2   3  -2.78788521756E-04
>         4   2   3  -2.17343457160E-04
>         1   3   3  -5.82906438331E-05
>         2   3   3  -2.17343457160E-04
>         3   3   3  -2.42602344837E-04
>         4   3   3  -2.17343457160E-04
>         1   4   3   1.03820610061E-04
>         2   4   3  -2.17343457160E-04
>         3   4   3  -2.78788521756E-04
>         4   4   3  -3.16229448375E-04
>         1   1   4  -3.66360766085E-03
>         2   1   4   9.15317439765E-03
>         3   1   4  -3.16229448375E-04
>         4   1   4   1.03820610061E-04
>         1   2   4  -3.66360766085E-03
>         2   2   4  -4.98908734409E-04
>         3   2   4  -2.17343457160E-04
>         4   2   4  -2.36600242622E-04
>         1   3   4  -3.16229448375E-04
>         2   3   4  -2.78788521756E-04
>         3   3   4  -2.17343457160E-04
>         4   3   4   1.03820610061E-04
>         1   4   4  -3.16229448375E-04
>         2   4   4  -4.98908734409E-04
>         3   4   4  -3.16229448375E-04
>         4   4   4  -2.73229894024E-04
>         1   1   1   2
>         1   1   1  -6.65118280325E-02
>         2   1   1  -6.65118280325E-02
>         3   1   1  -5.60776424931E-04
>         4   1   1  -5.60776424931E-04
>         1   2   1  -6.65118280325E-02
>         2   2   1   8.23931384971E-04
>         3   2   1  -1.01851073716E-04
>         4   2   1   1.23351993366E-04
>         1   3   1  -4.82771934254E-03
>         2   3   1   4.68586726224E-04
>         3   3   1  -1.01851073716E-04
>         4   3   1  -5.60776424931E-04
>         1   4   1  -4.82771934254E-03
>         2   4   1   8.23931384971E-04
>         3   4   1  -5.60776424931E-04
>         4   4   1   1.92763112725E-04
>         1   1   2  -6.65118280325E-02
>         2   1   2   1.23351993366E-04
>         3   1   2  -1.01851073716E-04
>         4   1   2   8.23931384971E-04
>         1   2   2   8.23931384971E-04
>         2   2   2   2.34942628595E-04
>         3   2   2   2.34942628595E-04
>         4   2   2   8.23931384971E-04
>         1   3   2   4.68586726224E-04
>         2   3   2   2.34942628595E-04
>         3   3   2  -1.01851073716E-04
>         4   3   2   2.93469238677E-04
>         1   4   2   8.23931384971E-04
>         2   4   2   1.23351993366E-04
>         3   4   2   1.04562524785E-04
>         4   4   2   2.93469238677E-04
>         1   1   3  -5.60776424931E-04
>         2   1   3  -1.01851073716E-04
>         3   1   3   4.68586726224E-04
>         4   1   3  -4.82771934254E-03
>         1   2   3  -1.01851073716E-04
>         2   2   3   2.34942628595E-04
>         3   2   3   4.68586726224E-04
>         4   2   3   2.93469238677E-04
>         1   3   3  -1.01851073716E-04
>         2   3   3  -1.01851073716E-04
>         3   3   3   2.56886639370E-04
>         4   3   3   2.56886639370E-04
>         1   4   3  -5.60776424931E-04
>         2   4   3   1.04562524785E-04
>         3   4   3   2.56886639370E-04
>         4   4   3   2.93469238677E-04
>         1   1   4  -5.60776424931E-04
>         2   1   4   8.23931384971E-04
>         3   1   4  -4.82771934254E-03
>         4   1   4   1.92763112725E-04
>         1   2   4   1.23351993366E-04
>         2   2   4   8.23931384971E-04
>         3   2   4   2.93469238677E-04
>         4   2   4   1.04562524785E-04
>         1   3   4  -5.60776424931E-04
>         2   3   4   2.93469238677E-04
>         3   3   4   2.56886639370E-04
>         4   3   4   1.04562524785E-04
>         1   4   4   1.92763112725E-04
>         2   4   4   2.93469238677E-04
>         3   4   4   2.93469238677E-04
>         4   4   4   1.92763112725E-04
>         1   1   2   1
>         1   1   1  -6.65118280325E-02
>         2   1   1  -5.60776424931E-04
>         3   1   1  -5.60776424931E-04
>         4   1   1  -6.65118280325E-02
>         1   2   1  -4.82771934254E-03
>         2   2   1   1.92763112725E-04
>         3   2   1  -5.60776424931E-04
>         4   2   1   8.23931384971E-04
>         1   3   1  -4.82771934254E-03
>         2   3   1  -5.60776424931E-04
>         3   3   1  -1.01851073716E-04
>         4   3   1   4.68586726224E-04
>         1   4   1  -6.65118280325E-02
>         2   4   1   1.23351993366E-04
>         3   4   1  -1.01851073716E-04
>         4   4   1   8.23931384971E-04
>         1   1   2  -5.60776424931E-04
>         2   1   2   1.92763112725E-04
>         3   1   2  -4.82771934254E-03
>         4   1   2   8.23931384971E-04
>         1   2   2   1.92763112725E-04
>         2   2   2   1.92763112725E-04
>         3   2   2   2.93469238677E-04
>         4   2   2   2.93469238677E-04
>         1   3   2  -5.60776424931E-04
>         2   3   2   1.04562524785E-04
>         3   3   2   2.56886639370E-04
>         4   3   2   2.93469238677E-04
>         1   4   2   1.23351993366E-04
>         2   4   2   1.04562524785E-04
>         3   4   2   2.93469238677E-04
>         4   4   2   8.23931384971E-04
>         1   1   3  -5.60776424931E-04
>         2   1   3  -4.82771934254E-03
>         3   1   3   4.68586726224E-04
>         4   1   3  -1.01851073716E-04
>         1   2   3  -5.60776424931E-04
>         2   2   3   2.93469238677E-04
>         3   2   3   2.56886639370E-04
>         4   2   3   1.04562524785E-04
>         1   3   3  -1.01851073716E-04
>         2   3   3   2.56886639370E-04
>         3   3   3   2.56886639370E-04
>         4   3   3  -1.01851073716E-04
>         1   4   3  -1.01851073716E-04
>         2   4   3   2.93469238677E-04
>         3   4   3   4.68586726224E-04
>         4   4   3   2.34942628595E-04
>         1   1   4  -6.65118280325E-02
>         2   1   4   8.23931384971E-04
>         3   1   4  -1.01851073716E-04
>         4   1   4   1.23351993366E-04
>         1   2   4   8.23931384971E-04
>         2   2   4   2.93469238677E-04
>         3   2   4   1.04562524785E-04
>         4   2   4   1.23351993366E-04
>         1   3   4   4.68586726224E-04
>         2   3   4   2.93469238677E-04
>         3   3   4  -1.01851073716E-04
>         4   3   4   2.34942628595E-04
>         1   4   4   8.23931384971E-04
>         2   4   4   8.23931384971E-04
>         3   4   4   2.34942628595E-04
>         4   4   4   2.34942628595E-04
>         .......
>         .......
>         .......
> Best
> Md Jahid Hasan
> PhD Student
> University of Maine
> _______________________________________________
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> people and expresses its concerns about the devastating
> effects that the Russian military offensive has on their
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> --
> Dr. Lorenzo Paulatto
> IdR @ IMPMC - CNRS UMR 7590 & Sorbonne Université
> phone: +33 (0)1 442 79822 / skype: paulatz
> http://www.impmc.upmc.fr/~paulatto/ - https://anharmonic.github.io/
> 23-24/423 B115, 4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris CX 05
> _______________________________________________
> The Quantum ESPRESSO community stands by the Ukrainian
> people and expresses its concerns about the devastating
> effects that the Russian military offensive has on their
> country and on the free and peaceful scientific, cultural,
> and economic cooperation amongst peoples
> _______________________________________________
> Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (www.max-centre.eu)
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